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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. I have not read all the replies. I would not spay as young as most say too. I'd wait till around a year. edited to add: thinking back to when I did do my limited breeding, I would have never spayed or neutered before 2 years old.
  2. Talking with Dr. Couto a few years ago, I mentioned that I have treated symptoms without a postive tick result. I said to him "we can't be checking for all the TBDs that are out there." He acknowledged there probably were quite a few....
  3. Since it came on fast, I'd treat with a good antibiotic just because. NSAIDs can destroy kidneys. If he is on them, he needs to be off them. Acupuncture will help and you have certified vets around, along with chiropractic (and you have some certified ones around too) Sending prayers.
  4. Sending my sympathy to all who love her. What a special spirit.
  5. Boy Sara, we are going back 11 years! I think it was 50mg a day (it was a dose A&M suggested) and it keeps them calm.. My friend & I went to the store. We were gone about 15 minutes. Trevor was so happy to see us when we came in he stressed from happiness and shut down his airway. It was horrible. He had always come out of it before. This time he did not. You can only imagine the pain of a dog dying because he was so happy to see you For LP dogs, summertime is very dangerous. At least if I had the valium and adminstered it, I would have no regrets if he died anyway. It certainly won't hurt and it may save a life.
  6. You don't need it in less severe cases, and I will disagree with you strongly that it would not have made a difference. I was there, it would have made a difference. You administer it and get to the vet. It can also be used in a dog with cluster seizures. If they are not a candidate for tie back surgery, elavil given every day can help (I've been told).
  7. Please -- as soon as it is diagnosed, get valium you can administer rectally if they shut down their airway. My heart breaks for the latest casualty -- she went the same way Trevor did and it breaks my heart to this day!
  8. Unfortunately, I know exactly how you feel It happened to my Trevor Sending my sympathy and lots of hugs
  9. Sending my sympathy Run like the wind sweet one.
  10. Thank you all. Mizzy came home, riding up front the day Tony had his xrays. I still want to put her pills out ...... I miss her. I'm sure she greeted Dot & Tony and they are running like the wind once again!
  11. Going back a lot of years here At one point, SieSie, Shadow & Heart had normal BUN and creatine numbers and were 2+ and I think one was 3+ in protein. They were all healthy. We did a BUN/creatine ratio (I think -- is that the test one does?) on one and it was normal so we dismissed the protein in the urine. I asked the vet if her testing equipment was correct , explored the possibility of Fresh Factors making a difference (which she didn't think that was it), etc., etc., As you may remember, Shadow lived to 14+ SieSie 13+ and Heart 14 3/4. Funny how Shadow & SieSie come up today (they went to the bridge together on 6/30/03)
  12. Burpdog

    Lucky Tony

    When Tony & Dot came to live with me in June of last year, I wondered how I'd do with Tony because he was a spook. I am the one that usually takes assertive, sometimes problem, kids. I have never done well with shy dogs. In the past, I have lacked patience. I guess I've mellowed and the old ones who I have been blessed with over the past 10 years have taught me more than I knew. Reading here on GT about spooks also helped. They came in June and by Septemeber it was obvious Tony was very sick. Blood work normal. I finally snapped and sent off a TBD panel with VF check\. He had Valley Fever -- a high titre. Blessed with a good acupuncture vet and with needed fungal meds, Tony got better. I remember the first time I came home from work and he got up from bed to greet me and do his "whine". Tony was always a picky eater, and with the VF it was such a challenge. On any given day, in the fridge were hamburgers, turkey burgers, turkey sausage, chicken, roast beef, beef hot dogs and in the cupboards three kinds of Stella's dehyrated patties, grain free biscuits, pb biscuits, on ocassion canned SD (the only canned he would eat) and a variety of kibble. I learned his food "stance" -- he always ate laying on his bed. Sometimes he didn't want it on a plate, he wanted it directly on the blanket He was looking so good 3 weeks ago. Whatever it was hit fast. Xrays on Monday because he was limping -- clear. Thursday he started dripping blood from his penis. Something I had never seen before and never want to again. Rushed him to the vet and he drained his bladder -- all blood. Washed it with atb and I took him home to see if perhaps it was an infection and he would get better. By morning I knew he was not going to get better and he and his mate Dot made the trip to the Bridge. I told him he didn't have to be afraid anymore. A sweeter soul I have not met. I now know why people love spooks so much.
  13. Burpdog

    Rosies Dot

    Dot & Tony came to live with me in June of last year. Dot -- I fell in love with her the day Jean adopted her. She was such a nut! I said over the past 10 years: she's my kind of girl So many stories.....I've asked Jean to write about them both. Dot had a zest for life that was incredible. She loved life, people, barking commands -- it was her way or no way I called her the General and Miss Poops A Lot Her zest was gone and it was time. Why doesn't that make it easier? Love you Miss Dot
  14. Good advice above. If you have a certified acupuncture vet in your area, I'd try a visit and see about some calming herbs.
  15. A special spirit indeed! Sending my sympathy Thank you for sharing him
  16. It never does. Keep an eye on his HCT and PLT Looks like an abcess witch can be serious if it gets into the bone. Good thing you are having it treated! I don't worry about elevated protein in the old ones. Almost all of my seniors have elevated protein and no effects from it.
  17. Try some pepcid and see if that helps. During his recent checkup, were his teeth examined? Mizzy cracked more than one molar at different times. I believe they eat what they need. Try some boiled or roasted beef and chicken and see if he eats well.
  18. I've lost one to it and ripley488 in Louisville, I think 3(?) Not that uncommon unfortunately.
  19. Burpdog

    Goodbye, Em-Dash

    What a handsome guy! Sending my sympathy
  20. Sending my sympathy What a super girl she turned in to!!!
  21. This sounds awful. I hope you can get decent care, if not there, somewhere else.
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