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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Some dogs heat up faster than others. Heat stroke (which if I remember right is around 107 temp--you were very lucky) can happen, and does here in Texas during an early morning walk. I know several dogs have died from heat stroke, and quite a few almost died. Interesting that Winslow and Bodie overheat quickly and need to be cooler than most dogs. Glynis said Winslow has a broken thermostat since chemo. He lives in a/c with his personal "fanny" on 24 hours a day! Here are a couple of threads for newcomers that are interested in information: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...;hl=heat+stroke http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...;hl=heat+stroke http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...;hl=heat+stroke If you can cool the dog down just before getting to the vets, you have a better chance of the dog surviving--but, you have to use common sense. If the vet is one minute away, don't take the time. 20 minutes away, you need to start cooling down then get to the vet--hopefully one person can be cooling while one is driving which would be the best scenario. Of my guys, Huston is my hot little guy--he loves the heat and he is also smart about it. Pablo is my cold guy--hates the heat and will lie down in the yard outside when it's 50 degrees out! The others fall somewhere inbetween those two.
  2. Sending lots of prayers. Please make sure they (A&M) understand that not all tick diseases are showing up in a regular panel. Also, Dr. Stack has said that dogs with erlichia in the critical stage will test negative. It won't hurt to do a shot of doxy and a shot of dex. If A&M doesn't believe me, have them call Dr. Couto at Ohio State or Dr. Stack in Arizona.
  3. A specialist is in order. Also, one that does a lot of greys would be helpful. How old is she? I have a girl that had a severely broken hock that was not repaired. She occassionally lifts it up but it's not a problem overall. She has had chiropractic adjustments (by a certified AVCA vet) every two weeks for the first 8 months and now we are every 3-4 weeks. Mizzy is 9 and the hock has had 4+ years to heal into what it is. Sending prayers
  4. Why would they give deramaxx with no teeth extractions? Over medicating in my opinion.
  5. 3 days unless they continue to cry or be stressed. You are well over that time frame. I'd get him to the vet. Sending prayers
  6. Have you tried dremeling them or popping them out with your fingernail? I don't think diet has anything to do with it. Rob Roy had them on 3 feet and as long as I took care of them by dremeling or popping them out, he was fine
  7. Sending prayers. Did they get the labs back that quick?
  8. Good news! Keep an eye on those platelets
  9. I've been told by a vet ear ones are not accurate in dogs. Buy a digital rectal thermometer. You don't have to put it in very far and it's quick
  10. Could be allergic to the topical flea treatment also. I've seen staph get sores, scab up and keep getting new ones. If you keep getting new ones, he needs to see a vet.
  11. What antibiotic and how much? Any chest xrays done? TBD panel? Why did your vet determine it was a TBD? How old is she?
  12. After my guys go up on the table, they get adjusted. Do you have a certified chiropractor (AVCA) or acupuncture vet close? It will really help. Sending prayers.
  13. Thinking of you and sending prayers for peace and comfort.
  14. For severe pain we use 100mg on a 70# dog three times a day, and I've even gone to 100mg every 4 hours. Whatever it takes when needed My vets are very good about pain meds.
  15. Apparently the incoming mail problem is solved and now the outgoing is not "going" Might be best to have your vet call (or you)
  16. This link will take you to the Remberance Forum: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?act=SF&s=&f=15
  17. What food are you feeding? Sending prayers and yes, a vet visit is in order.
  18. Sending prayers! Which food are you feeding?
  19. Sending prayers. I am not sure if I met you & Phoenix at GIG. What kind of surgery?
  20. I know of one dog on GT that it helped. I tried it on an advanced age senior and didn't see any result. You would be better off with Fresh Factors in my opinion (or Joint Health). They have a buy 2 get 2 free thru May 30. www.springtimeinc.com
  21. What is the BUN and creatine in US numbers, or post the range of normal for Canada Do their teeth need done?
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