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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Burpdog

    Chief Adam

    Run like the wind sweet boy!
  2. Have they done xrays and ultrasound? Sounds like it could be an obstruction or twisted bowel. Sending prayers.
  3. What a descision to have to make! Sending prayers it turns out well for everyone--Bodie and all the greys that may be helped Make sure they know Bodie's thermostat is broke since chemo and he has a/c and perhaps we should buy him a "fanny"
  4. Did you do a urine culture? Unexplained weight loss is not good An ultrasound should not be too expensive. Sending prayers.
  5. If I remember right, his numbers weren't that bad at all. Why keep him on a k/d when a senior food would do just fine.
  6. Mizzy damaged a tooth either from turkey necks or large Milk bones. She had a dental at the end of February and everything was fine. Ended up getting two teeth pulled. I will not give her the large Milk bones or turkey necks again..... Sending prayers. The sooner the better getting that tooth out. An infection behind the eye is not pretty. Took 3 weeks to get it to the point where Mizzy could have the teeth out.
  7. As my chiropractic vet says "all old dogs have some degree of LS" How long ago was blood work done? You are not suppose to start a NSAID without doing blood work first! Have you tried supplements like Fresh Factors or Joint Health, MSM, fish oil? Chiropractic by an AVCA certified vet will help as will acupuncture (CHI or IVAS)
  8. Since it happened after the vaccine, sounds like it's possible the vaccine contributed to "causing" the autoimmune disease. Sending lots of prayres!
  9. Unfortunately, I do know how you feel Sending prayers.
  10. Burpdog

    *kh Molly*

    Sending my sympathy
  11. Not sure you have frozen BilJac there. You can check your zip code at www.biljac.com How are her poops? What color? Sorry but poop is very important Not sure what I'd do about the ultrasound. It's kind of hard to advise you without really knowing. If she is healthy acting, I might switch food to a higher calorie (even Solid Gold Barking at the Moon mixed in with SG Mmellenia or Eagle Pack) and wait a few days to see if she evens out or starts gaining. Do you have access to food stores that carry this kind of food? You can also try adding boiled chicken or beef to her kibble. Did the vet recommend or suggest an ultrasound? Is it because of the tender abdomen?
  12. Extra calcium that is in a puppy food is bad for the heart. Most greys will scream if you push on their abdomen. Can you afford a better food? There is a lot of sugar etc in Pedigree. Where are you located? Can you get Eagle Pack senior? or Eagle Pack Natural? What about BilJac frozen (which will help put on weight and is easy on the digestive system). How are her poops? What color are they?
  13. Many times the TBD panel comes back negative yet they respond to meds. Hopefully you are using the suggested dose of 5mg per # of body weight twice a day. Some vets kick off with a doxy shot. (many vets underdose doxy ) Sending lots of prayers.
  14. Hi Diane, Someone on GT was nice enough to post links about cooling beds for Winslow. Oh, if it were so easy! Sadly, Mr. Hotstuff will have nothing to do with them. Do you remember when we tried one last year? Every time he stepped on it, he backed away. There's something about the way they feel under his feet. I gave away his beanbag for the same reason. Since his amp, he feels insecure about what he steps on. We even had some problem in the softer sand at the beach. I have considered getting a chillow pillow for him. He likes to have a pillow in bed and it might help. The only hesitation I have is that it's filled with water and Craig and I sleep on that bed, too. If Winslow ever punctured it, we would be in for some seriously soggy nights. I already sleep in a hoodie. Don't fancy the idea of wearing a wetsuit to bed. Although this AC is an expensive solution, I think it's the only way to actually keep Winslow absolutely cool, on the bed, on the sofa, on his dog beds, and in the kitchen, without driving our electric bill through the roof. We continue to run fanny full time and take a water bottle for spritzing on walks, although he hates it. Oddly he loves to swim and shower but doesn't like to have a wet towel on him or be spritzed gently. Weirdo. Spoiled Wierdo. Winslow had a good swim today! 15 laps. The woman with all the whippets was there (with all the whippets). She commented on how good he looks. She hasn't seen him since Nov. He has been really happy and playful lately. He was doing the happy dance between laps and last night he took a toy outside and was throwing it around the yard. Now, he's zonked out. We thank Daisy Doodle for the suggestions, and are open to any others. Anything to chill the hound. Oh, pass me a hoodie, PLEASE! Glynis
  15. May 21, 2008 Craig is still in NYC. It's still cold here- 60 this morning. Winslow enjoying his new screen doors. I installed the new ac. It was easy and not visible from the street. I tested it and the entire area dropped 2 degrees in 45 minutes. It really puts out the cold air. It should help keep the downstairs cool so the big unit doesn't have to work as hard. If he's really hot, Winslow can lay in front of it and freeze himself silly. Maybe upstairs will finally get warm enough that my nose stops running. I think this was a good deal. I'll let you know if it ever gets warm enough to actually use it. This time last year, it was in the 90's here. Winslow was just heating up. That has increasingly worsened over the last year. His comfort zone now ends at 70 degrees. I'm going to buy a chest freezer, turn it sideways, rip off the door and put a dog bed inside. That's next. Glynis
  16. It's been awhile but I think I massaged from the bottom up. It would help if he roached and elevated it himself Sending prayers!
  17. Sending prayers. I would not use the dental vaccine and there have been several threads on here about reactions, etc.
  18. I wouldn't be concerned about a one time reading. I'd recheck in 4-6 weeks. Is she raw fed? That will affect the numbers
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