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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. At this point the goal is to make him comfortable. Do you have a certified chiropractor close? None of my vets will do the shots in and around the spine, however, they would do a regular shot which would give him some comfort (although, not sure how long it would last). Have you ever done Adequan shots? Is he eating well?
  2. Personally, regardless of how the eye does, I'd go to a specialist.... Sending prayers!
  3. Seems like yesterday you did that road trip Run like the wind sweet girl
  4. Sounds like a TBD if the aspirate was clear. Did you do a TBD panel? Doxy is good but won't get babesia and I believe one or two others. Doxy treatment also has to be at the correct dose and many vets do a half dose.
  5. Drops are better and they should be every day, otherwise it gets worse. Sending prayers.
  6. It could affect one and not the other. Are you feeding once or twice a day? I'd let the vet check out his heart & lungs to make sure nothing is going on. If not, then look to food. You could try some boiled beef one night and see how he does. Or, can you get frozen BilJac where you are? From the thread in Food:
  7. Dr. C can help with all kinds of cancer. Sending prayers!
  8. Are you feeding the Canidae lamb? If so, they just changed the formula and lots of dogs (not just greys according to the store I buy food at) are having problems. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=203674
  9. I'd take him in just for an examine and see how he is. Which food are you feeding? It's possible changes to the formula have occurred and he is having gut problems. This thought came to mind last night and Tootsie was trying to work up a toot or two.....
  10. Have you started feeding any different treats or changed food? What time does he eat?
  11. The guidelines from all the colleges and the vet association recommend every 3 years. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=128246&hl=
  12. I would do the meds (probably clavamox) and a food change. While some dogs may be able to handle DES (must do blood work as it can affect platelets) and PPA (at least two on this board have died from complications), why not try the other things first?
  13. Sending prayers! No experience. I wonder what Dr. C will say.
  14. Have you tested for Valley Fever and some of the other tick diseases? Sending prayers.
  15. He shouldn't be on an NSAID if he has had problems with it before. Sending lots of prayers.
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