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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Burpdog

    Red Diplomat

    Sending my sympathy
  2. June 19, 2008 Hi Diane, How's everything in TX. I bet it's hot. We hope your pack is doing well. We got a break with some rain and a cold front, but Winslow still insist on his "personal AC". I see they are now available at Home Depot. I think it really got him through the heat wave and kept our central air from working overtime. Winslow went swimming yesterday. He's perfected the art of CHEATING. After he's done a few laps, he tries to turn around really early to shorten the lap. I guess he thinks I won't notice that he goes in and turns around 10 feet later. He comes out wagging and grinning like he did something really special. I do have some control over it, so if I force him to NOT turn, he goes to the end of the pool, comes out and gives me a grunt and a dirty look. Everyone was watching him and laughing at it. He's quite the showman. I painted with Becky yesterday afternoon. During the break, I did Winslow's nails. After I took the muzzle off, I gave it to him so he could get the last of the peanut butter, which he did. I went back to painting. He came in to watch us and was very interested. About an hour later, I looked in on him. He was on the bed, WEARING HIS MUZZLE. Yes, he had it on, upside down. Just sitting there looking at me. I think he really wanted to paint. I would not have believed this myself had Becky not been there with me to see it. Some things are ever amazing. On a health note: Since Winslow started swimming again I have increased some of his food to keep his weight up. It now requires some extra yogurt in his morning egg. SO, the 11:AM egg is now 1 cooked egg, 2 tbl. nonfat yogurt and I moved his afternoon burpdog biscuit to this, crushed. A really good treat and just enough to keep that weight steady at 77.4 lbs. Since he's not getting the carbs, he burns his food more when he gets the exercise (ala south beach diet). Winslow is getting even more exercise running to the mailbox to send out orders and to look for the NEW MERCHANDISE that will be arriving soon for his shop! We are very surprised at the response! He gets far more traffic than my website and my blog. I've ordered his return address labels and business cards. He wants to be professional. "Ok, Winslow, but NO to the business suit, the secretary, the new computer and your own office! You are NON PROFIT, remember? NO, I'M NOT PAYING FOR ALL THAT STUFF!!" I'm off to get more packaging this morning while Winslow shops online for coffee mugs. OY! So everything is pretty normal here. We browsed GT briefly this morning. Winslow sends his love and kisses to Darcy, as usual. We are both sending hugs to Design and her mom. Winslow is cheering for her... I noticed that Queenwinnies mom suggested artemisinin to her. GOOD ADVISE. (Ah, Queenwinnie.... she was our role model and inspiration during some very dark hours. Winslow had the priviledge of meeting her once, years ago. We think of her often.) (If designsmom wants my email, Diane, you know it's ok to give it out). Onward! Glynis and Winslow.
  3. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts!
  4. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy
  5. Grassmere Animal Hospital - Greyhound Page Corns
  6. Mizzy will do that if she has one flea, just one! Vet will need to scrape it and look at it. Are you giving him fish oil caps? What food are you feeding?
  7. When I researched the surgery for a grey, not mine, it appears to me the old surgery is just as good or better than the "new" surgery. You have to get it repaired. If you do not, there is a chance a tumor will form at the injury site. (I saw it happen). Rehab -- he's going to have to be leash walked and above reference to swimming is a very good idea! Sending prayers!
  8. I'd do 5 days of panacur. What food was he on when he came to you? He may not be able to handle the Merrick. Where are you located? In Alaska? What other foods are available?
  9. Have you talked to the vet about this? Has he been checked since the dental? Is he getting better? Might want him to be on antibiotics a little longer.
  10. Do you have him on Fresh Factors or Joint Health?
  11. At 14 I'd feed her whatever she wants! This diet is not too bad for protein: 5# beef, chicken or turkey 5# potatoes, boiled with skins on, then mashed 2C rice boiled with 4C water 1T garlic 2# green beans Boil beef and let cool, put thru food processor. Cook green beans, put thru food processor. Mix all together and add 1t cod liver oil and 1t sterlized bone meal to each feeding. Regular feeding amount around 4C. This will usually last 3-4 days.
  12. Sending my sympathy You know I have a soft spot for this girl
  13. Which teeth did he have pulled? Sending prayers.
  14. Could be. Obviously it's irritated. Could also be an infection. Poor guy
  15. It has the highest reaction rate of the hw meds (not including ProHeart6) and some vets will not use it because of hw issues.
  16. I would either get the films to Gainesville or Ohio State for an opinion. Do you know where she raced?
  17. I advise you to contact Ohio State and post on the Circle of Grey (link above). They (OSU) will send chemo drugs for greys at no charge. When I asked Dr. Couto a few months ago, the average is still at 14 months with amputation and chemo. Many go longer. Where are you located? Is she weight bearing on the leg or hopping? If you decide not to amputate, you must combine drugs to keep her out of pain. Tramadol and a NSAID or pred and you can add morphine. Were the xrays read by a radiologist? Has she been tested for Valley Fever?
  18. I wonder if it could be, I think it's called CUPS or an auto immune disorder that is treated with imuran. Dr. Couto will know as I have been consulting with him on Pablo. Pablo's gums are red, but no blisters. Did they put her on antibiotics?
  19. Where were the blisters? Were they blisters or reddened gums? Ulcers?
  20. Batmom is right and espcially the NSAID can upset the stomach. If the pepcid doesn't help, ask for carafate (generic).
  21. June 13, 2008 Hi Diane, Well, we survived the heat wave. It's a few degrees cooler now. Between Winslow's new "shower" on the deck, the mutiple AC and fans and various bags of frozen veggies, Winslow was quite cool. Now the BIG NEWS! (drumroll goes here). WINSLOW'S SHOP- located at www.winslowshop.com Today, we are launching the first of a series of Winslow inspired items on his own BLOG/STORE! You know how he loves to surf the web. Well, he's decided to be part of the action. I guess selling his paintings at auctions just isn't enough for the boy. He does love his charities! All proceeds from the shop go to Greyhound Angel Network and will be split 50/50 with the Greyhound Health and Wellness program at OSU. For his grand opening, he's offering a special, so you will want to check it out. There is also subscription feature so folks can be notified when new items are added. He's been online trying to order everything he sees. I told him we had to take it slow and see how it goes. WHOA! I don't need 1,000 Winslow coffee mugs, not just yet anyway. In other news, Winslow has a message for Darcy: Dear Darcy, You look positively stunning. If you need some extra hair, I would be happy to send mine to you. I'm very happy that you are celebrating another cancer free month. I also celebrate each month! I never thought I could have so many parties! Congratulations! Stay healthy, beautiful girl! The photos of you are fabulous. It's ok if you don't do anything. I spend most of my time sleeping, too. Love, Winslow Photo attached. Well, I guess that's it for the day. Winslow was busy dictating his text this morning, reading GT and I think he's done for the day. Now, maybe I can get some of my own work done! Glynis
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