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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. You can also read Winslow's Diary, Dempsey, Bodie, and a bunch of others <sigh> journeys....
  2. It's worth a vet trip if you are so worried I know for hot spots years ago we used Absorbine Jr. Dried them up. Since this is not your dog, and there is a possibility of staph, I'd take her in. Any chance she has a flea?
  3. Burp started doing that right around that age. Vet told me to switch to a senior food (lower fat). He never threw up again except for the time I tried regular food again!
  4. Sending prayers! You usually have to combine pain meds to control the pain.
  5. July 10, 2008 Hi Diane, We were reading about Bodie's birthday... GO BODIE! Winslow is cheering him on and wishing him well. We saw the photos. We were all happy to see him enjoying himself! GOOD NEWS! Lots of it! First, Winslow had his 18 month check up on Wednesday. He was disappointed that we didn't go swimming, but was happy to visit with all the good folks at VCA. His surgeon, Dr. Massat was really happy to see him and came out to the waiting room for a visit.. So did some of the others who cared for him after his surgery. They all remember Winslow. We, of course, plugged Winslow's Shop, extensively, handing out business cards (Yes, Winslow now has business cards.) and telling them all about it. Oddly, nobody seemed really surprised that Winslow has a business and everyone was really thrilled about it. Those folks know how to treat Winslow and they are very good with me as well... (guess I'm a little neurotic about some things). Winslow's beloved Dr. Calo called this morning... ALL CLEAR! Everything is good. We cheered loudly and did the happy dance. (Now maybe I'll get some sleep). As you know, Winslow is shedding that fuzzy stuff. I got him a "Furminator". I would NOT reccommend this to people whose Greys have normal coats. I have to be VERY CAREFUL with it and not drag it over his bony parts (he doesn't have that many, but still..). It is fabulous for taking out that really fuzzy stuff that makes Winslow so hot. He's actually beginning to look like a greyhound again instead of a sheepdog. I think he's getting cooler, too. It's perfect for a long haired dog or one with a "double coat". Someone posted on Winslow's diary that I should take his hair and have it woven into yarn for a sweater or something. Well, I've started saving it and I think there will be plenty. He's very clean because he gets a bath every week and this fuzz would probably make a warm sweater or hat. The furminator makes it easy to save. I'll let you know how that goes. A sweater for me from Winslow's hair seems to be the perfect solution to keeping our home so cold in the winter for him! One of Craig's friends from college runs a rescue service for American Eskimo dogs. He sent out Winslow's shop info to everyone he knows! Hopefully that will bring in some business for the hounds! Now that Winslow's check up is out of the way, I can resume the work on his next assortment of notecards! Keep checking! I plan to have them in hand and post them before next week! If you have subscribed, the shop will automatically let you know when I post! They're coming! We hope all is well with you and your pack! Have a wonderful time in Kentucky. Keep in touch. Glynis Winslow now has a shop! www. winslowshop.com All Greyhound, all the time! go figure!?
  6. Sending my sympathy
  7. Sending my sympathy I know how you feel
  8. I didn't vote I feed Eagle Pack, sometimes a little Barking at the Moon added in and frozen BilJac. Canned varies.
  9. It won't help today, but many have had good results with Xanax. I resorted to ace when Tootsie was well enough to try & go thru windows, but it is nasty stuff and just incapaciates them--I don't think it takes the fear away.....and it's back on my do not use list. Tootsie really likes Dog Lullabies. She will stand in front of the CD player and has layed down next to it many times. Pablo will get under his dog bed if it's real bad. Grace goes to her crate or in front of the toilet.
  10. Poor girl! Good news is that she will do fine with one eye. She'll adjust better than you Sending prayers for a quick recovery!
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