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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Last night was pretty bad, she just laid on her bed, any food that was offered, she just turned her head. This morning she was perkier, and got up on her own, went out a couple of times, and drank a little water. She's at the vets now, I hope when I bring her home tonight she will feel like eating I know everyone's prayers and good thoughts are helping!
  2. Thanks to everyone! I have not had any luck getting her to eat so far. I feel like I'm harassing her I hope tomorrow after she's been on the fluids all day she will feel more like eating. I've dealt with kidney problems before with cats, but never in a dog, and never with a bad heart. She just looks so tired.
  3. Sugar is 12.5 yrs and has been on heart meds for about three years. Lasix, Enalapril, and Vetmedin. Her acupuncturist also does heart points on her. Lately I have been having to coax her to eat, but mostly she did eat. Yesterday she threw up her breakfast, and wouldn't eat or drink at dinner. Same this morning so we went off to the vet. Her kidney values are way high. Vet didn't give me the numbers (we were on the phone), but she knows greys and has been treating Sugar for 5 yrs. Sugar is going to spend the day at the vet tomorrow on an IV drip for fluids. My understanding is this is to see if we can improve the numbers. My vet will consult with Sugar's cardiologist to see what he wants to do. She won't last long without the heart meds, but if we can't improve her kidney function ... I am very worried about my sweet little girl.
  4. So glad to hear she is doing so well! She will definitely be happier at home, you, I'm not so sure
  5. scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, green tripe, canned cat food I hope she continues to do well with the chemo and gets her appetite back!
  6. glad her innards are ok! for the tumors
  7. Sugar (12.5 yrs) started have bad problems with her back end last fall. It wasn't LS, but it did have something to do with her spine, and also her arthritis getting worse. We went through some bad patches, but she is now fine, if a little more wobbly What helped her was acupuncture, adequan shots, and regular pain meds. As a side benefit, the acupuncture seems to have helped her heart problems too! Marx
  8. Sugar has been on Lasix and Enalapril for a few years and as TaraCoachCougar said, she will pee a little every time she goes out, but has no trouble lasting 8-9 hours without an accident. If he does have accidents, either a belly band or confining him to say, the kitchen with pee pads would work.
  9. Oh I hope she just tripped on the bedding or something like that. Poor girl It is so hard to see them get old
  10. I am glad to hear he is doing better!
  11. only a minor owie! Fletcher holds one of his paws up sometimes. I used to look all over for an injury or sore place. I finally realized this is just something he does, he's been doing it for years.
  12. wow, that is a roller coaster! I am so glad to hear the good news about Wilma's heart I hope her appetite continues to improve. My old girl eats pretty well most of the time, but there are days when nothing she previously liked is accepted
  13. ok, stupid question...do you spray the dog? the grass? the bedding?
  14. If it is "only" colitis (I know, when your baby is sick, nothing is "only") you will need to figure out what sets him off and avoid that. Once you figure that out, it is quite managable
  15. there are so many ups and downs with chemo, I hope this is just a "glitch'
  16. missed the first post, but I'm glad to see the vet doesn't think it's anything to worry about!
  17. I hope Spencer is better this morning!
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