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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. yes, of course you are over-reacting, we all do I once took Sugar to the evet because she was limping and it was a holiday, so my regular vet wasn't open. Soft tissue injury, got better completely on it's own I am like Heather (Kennelmom), I expect the worst, and mostly am pleasantly surprised I hope you find that Riley just overdid it, maybe is starting a little arthritis!
  2. Remolacha


    I am so sorry!
  3. I wish there was something I could do
  4. agree about the pain meds. also, if you start acupuncture again (which I highly recommend), it can help with his incontinence.
  5. poor Spencer! I hope he feels better soon!
  6. Glad he is home! That is one honkin' big cast
  7. wonderful news! I found that once Sugar started on the heart meds, it made a huge difference in how she felt. If Bell ends up with more pills after her visit with the cardiologist, I'd advise giving her a pepcid too. All that medicine upset Sugar's tummy, but she ate fine with the pepcid, and we want to keep Bell eating!
  8. I am so sorry this has been so difficult for you and Joe. The up and down thing just wears you out!
  9. I am glad she is coming home. However much time she has (and I hope it is a lot!) she will be happier at home with you.
  10. :confetti hearing that Polli is back is the best news!!
  11. glad he came through the surgery well! I hope he gets to come home soon!
  12. I am pleased that Ember is doing so well, and very relieved to hear Ms Polli is back to her "normal" self
  13. I am glad to hear he is feeling a little better! I know how hard it is to leave the old ones home alone, and worry about them. I am glad he has a sitter to go to, better for him, and I'm sure it eases your mind.
  14. Molly had hookworms, and Fletcher has been on Flagyl several times for his IBD, I didn't notice any increase in drinking or peeing, but I've never had one on both Panacur and Flagyl at the same time. or maybe Fletcher was once, but it was so long ago (when he was first diagnosed) I don't remember. sorry not to be of more help.
  15. poor Shanti! Things are never easy for her, are they? I hope your vet can come up with another medicine to try, and it works!
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