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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. always lots of white light for Polli I hope the vet has some solutions tomorrow, whether she gets her chemo or not :candle
  2. how old is he? could be arthritis beginning, if he's older. Molly is a real drama queen too, and when she broke her toe, except for the original GSOD when it happened, she didn't cry at all. Now that she's better, she's back to whining Hope it's nothing serious
  3. oh no, not Specky Lee! I am so so sorry, what a terrible shock He will be greatly missed by many people who never met him in person.
  4. sorry Beau is still poorly, is he generally sensitive? I ask because Fletcher has IBD, and every so often, he will have a couple of "off" days with a rumbley tummy, then he's back to normal. I hope it clears up soon!
  5. I am so sorry Polli is having problems! The thing that struck me the most was her arched back. I hope you can ask your vet if acupuncture and/or chiropractic is ok now, I think that would really help her.
  6. I am sorry she didn't get to come home, but we WILL NOT think the worst!
  7. I am so glad the surgery went well! It sounds like the next couple of weeks will be challenging, but I'm sure you will all do fine You might want to consider a crib mattress for his bed, it's about the right size and already has the plastic cover! Good Will is a good place to get old towels if you need extras.
  8. I've had tapeworms in cats and dogs, that's exactly what those sound like. Easy to get rid of!
  9. What a sweet face I am so sorry!
  10. Good! it sounds like she should be back to her normal self soon, the cookie monster part is already back
  11. nononono! Alan, you are not allowed to do this! I am glad he is feeling better, and hope this just turns out to be one of those mysterious "things"
  12. I'm sorry the news wasn't better, but you (and Misty) will get through this! I know how and it is when they don't want to eat
  13. hoping she does as well with #3 as she has with the previous ones!
  14. well, I can't tell you not to panic, because if I were in your place, I'd be panicking, BUT! I am able to look at this as a outsider, and I agree it sounds just like a muscle strain. I was watching Molly hop along on three legs (broken toe) and thinking what a strain it must be for her other legs, and really, the rest of her body. It must be much harder for Polli edited to add, if i had to deal with your weather, I wouldn't want to go for a walk either
  15. wonderful news! I am sorry I didn't re-read the original post, is the fungal test for Valley Fever?
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