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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. maybe not perfect, but sounds like an overall good report to me! Parker seems to be very mellow about the whole thing I hope there are no more emergency trips to Phoenix!
  2. if you have confidence in your vet, then it's good to have it done by someone who is familiar with Monty. and, like it or not, cost is a factor. I am sure you are doing the best for your boy, and I hope he has the best possible outcome
  3. not even ice cream? I hope she feels more like eating later
  4. now this is the kind of news I like to see in H&M!
  5. Sugar had similar back end problems, starting in Sept of last year. Steroids and acupuncture were a huge help, but she did have some relapses (including one right before Thanksgiving last year where I thought I was going to lose her). She also got a couple of Adequan shots. The first was a big help, the second helped, but not as much. We kept up with a regular schedule of acupuncture apts, spreading them further out as time passed, but I think that is ultimately what helped the most, the regular acupuncture. By the beginning of this year, she had very little back end weakness, and that lasted until I unfortunately lost her in July from unrelated causes. I hope Spencer "bounces" back (not literally!)
  6. I am so glad to hear Flashy is home and recuperating!
  7. I am so sorry that Grandpa finally had to leave
  8. It sounds like his system is just trying to get rid of something that's irritating it, whether it's something he ate, a bug, or worms. The poo check should help pinpoint what it is. that's all it is!
  9. it's encouraging that he could stand, if only briefly! I hope you can find some answers
  10. as far as the explanation went, It sounds like a ton of work, thank you so much for doing all this in your "spare" time!
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