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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Bev, I am so sorry it was his time to go
  2. Can someone please come and talk to Molly? Sometimes she limps, but mostly she hops on three legs. She hops, bounces, and barks, wanting to go for a walk! Molly, you are a gimp! You can't go walkies! I might as well be talking to the wall She is handling this much better than I am, I feel so bad for her, but her attitude is great She (and Fletcher) are getting plenty of mooshies and other treats. It's going to be a long three weeks, sigh.
  3. :candle I hope this is just a little dip in the roller coaster ride, and she starts back up soon!
  4. sorry I didn't see this earlier, I could have reassured you with a "been there, done that" My usually saintly Sugar took apart one of those pillows and was fine. I don't think she got any in her eyes though talented Pave Maria! I am glad her eyes are better! and FYI, it has been over four years and I am STILL finding those little bast, erm, beads.
  5. I agree with checking her mouth and teeth. When Sugar started getting picky about what she ate, it turned out she had a couple of bad teeth. Once they were gone, she went back to eating normally. Well, until all her other health issues in her later years. If her teeth are ok and she seems otherwise healthy, and not loosing weight, then just her her skip a meal when she's not hungry. It can be sooo frustrating when they don't eat!
  6. I gave Sugar's leftover heart meds to my vet, I know she has some low income clients that could use them. Other leftover meds I've given to Scooby.
  7. I am so glad to hear Alan is doing well! He is so handsome Kitties do throw up a lot, but usually there's a reason! If all her blood work was good (did you test for thyroid?), maybe food is thr culprit.
  8. Molly says thanks for the kind thoughts! I thought three weeks sounded kind of long, too. I'll be keeping a close eye on it, and nose thanks for that tip, I wouldn't have thought of that. We just had our first rain since August, so I'm not too concerned about keeping it dry! She doesn't like ice cream but I will be sure she has plenty of mooshies
  9. no, she wanted to go for a walk before the pain meds I'm going to take Fletcher out in a little while, I'm sure she will be very put out when she doesn't get to go.
  10. Oh No! I am so sorry but, you know how some with (people) couples, when one passes, the other doesn't live much longer? I think, as much as Andy loved his people, he just couldn't be without his Emmy
  11. hoping it's nothing but a few aches and pains from the weather!
  12. :clap for the eating, even if it's not what we would choose
  13. I am so sorry, this is never an easy decision to make
  14. well, it was still swollen this morning, so off to the vet (she hates the vet!) Miss Molly Beans has a broken toe Its the outside toe, she either caught it on something or Fletcher stepped on her, his nickname is Godzilla for good reason Anyway, she has a splint, we go back in three weeks to check progress. My poor baby is in pain (meds are kicking in now), but still wants to go for a walk and I thought she was a pretty smart dog
  15. ok, I've got a cold compress on it now. I mean, I did, she just got up and moved, leaving the cold behind I'll keep it cold for now, and try the Epsom salts and warm water tomorrow. I looked closely, and don't see any wounds. sigh.
  16. Molly and Fletcher were playing in the back yard when I heard her start screaming. I ran outside, expecting to see blood, bone fragments, horrible sights. Fortunately, there was none of that! She won't put any weight on her right front foot, and when I feel the leg and foot, she only reacts to my touching her foot. It has started to swell a little. I think she either dislocated a toe that has snapped back into place, or sprained something. I know from recent first hand experience (thanks Fletcher) how painful a sprained foot is. She ate dinner, and I gave her an Ascription (sp?). I'd like to wait and take her in tomorrow if it's still swollen, does anyone know of a reason not to wait? I don't want her in pain, but if I'm right about what it is, I don't think there's anything more they can do.
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