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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. That's good news! I hope it turns out she won't need the surgery, but does that mean you have to keep wiping her hoo ha all the time? That might not be so much fun.
  2. that is great news! hopefully, whatever was causing him to not eat wasn't serious and has been "cured" by his new diet
  3. I am so sorry. Matt sounds like he was a great, easy going dog
  4. The look in her eyes in that first picture...hilarious! So glad to see the pretty girl is doing so well, she looks great (both ends)!
  5. I can't think of anything there that would hurt them as a treat.
  6. He does look happy, hope the weight loss will reverse as he cuts back on the pred!
  7. I am so sorry, Sasha sounds like a very special girl.
  8. I know how stressful this is (for you!) I hope the vet is able to get some answers. I think I would ask for x-rays and maybe an ultrasound as well.
  9. Congratulations on Clem, and I am sorry he is having problems! I hope this turns out to be something minor and he gets over it quick!
  10. As someone once told me, "you are the mom, it is your job to worry" Hope everything goes well for Luna!
  11. Try heating (maybe light sauté) just a bit at first. It stinks, but helps them get used to it. A couple of mine never would eat liver or any organs, they didn't like the texture
  12. I was going to say, don't go to Walgreens! I paid $95 for Molly's 15, I didn't have time to shop around. I am glad you were able to get a better price
  13. hoping it was just a soft tissue injury from romping in the snow (chasing hawks )
  14. Lazer truly was a miracle dog, I did realize how many times! He was lucky to have found you, and you were so lucky to have him I am so sorry it was finally his time to leave
  15. She was such a beautiful girl, and I just loved the pictures of her on the beach Good Bye Baby Doll
  16. I don't post much, but I check for updates. I am sorry Nell has such a nasty infection, but you have been amazing nurses for her! I hope the antibiotics work quickly, and would add that I have had good results from Manuka honey as well, although on a much less serious infection.
  17. Poor Sid, the difference in that video between the grass and the hard surface was unbelievable! I am sorry he has the infection, but I don't think such things are too unusual, and I am glad they left off the bandage so he wouldn't have more problems with his toes. that he continues to heal well!
  18. He looks very happy! No help for you on the weight loss, except to say, can he eat things like cottage cheese, scrambled eggs (maybe w/cheese), ensure? Just to get some weight on him until the pred can be reduced.
  19. Something similar happened with Charley this morning. She and Sallie were chasing each other around the yard this morning like crazy girls. This is the first time she has really done much running and when she came in her back legs were shaking. The weird thing was, she didn't seem the least bit uncomfortable or upset. Luckily, after a few minutes she stopped shaking and was fine. I was so pleased to see the girls playing, but now I worry about her overdoing!
  20. I remember the "chess mates" I am so sorry they are all gone. It is so hard to loose your first.
  21. you did everything possible for him, but he ran out of miracles. I am so sorry
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