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Everything posted by MerseyGrey

  1. It sounds like Richard’s last great journey was mercifully quick, and although the timing might not seem ideal at first, he’s gone when you’ve got lots else going on to keep you occupied. Which is really very thoughtful of him. Good girl Willa! You keep at it
  2. She wants her butt to be comfy whilst also enjoying a flavour sensation. I think she’s an inspiration to us al!
  3. I couldn’t find a ‘relieved’ emoji so this one will have to do. Good girl Willa, time to get back to keeping your folks and your brother on their toes!
  4. Just checking in…it’s my morning after the procedure but it’s still middle of the night for you. Looking forward to your next pupdate
  5. Sorry I’m late to this and I’m so sorry for your loss. LaVida seemed like one of those dogs who would be young forever. I hope you’re all ok
  6. He’s trying to play it cool in the second photo
  7. I’m glad you got to make so many happy memories with him while being sorry for your loss. Lovely tribute to a very special boy
  8. My exact words. This is the crappiest news for you, but I’m so glad she found her way to you for her retirement. She couldn’t have had a better home.
  9. Also, I was not suggesting that there were any old ladies in the vicinity!
  10. Such a lovely tribute, and it’s the first time I’ve heard Laila’s story. Sorry for your loss
  11. I’m so sorry to hear this. Others have said it better than I ever can, but you made the right choice for your dog which is all we can ever do. It’s human nature to ask ‘what if…?’, and probably worse because you had to make a fast decision. We never have enough time with our pups as it is
  12. I’m not suggesting anybody swallows anything, but if the nursery rhyme ‘I know an old lady who swallowed a fly’ is correct, you just need to get a bird and all your problems are solved
  13. Happy gotcha day Doolin . Your mum is right, you are devastatingly handsome!
  14. Happy birthday Facebook! 13 is a grand old age!
  15. Nope. Have you got the hoover permanently on stand by?
  16. It’s a big truck for just noms and poop bags. Did you get your full year’s supply?
  17. My dog vomits bile reasonably regularly, but really only when he hasn’t got any food in his stomach. However he only has diarrhoea when there’s something wrong, and the presence of blood is a bit more concerning. It might depend on where you live as to what your vet would advise but I would at least give them a ring and see what they suggest. It could be that your dog has eaten something on her walk that she shouldn’t have and has picked up a bug. She’s not on any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication is she?
  18. She conveys so much with so little
  19. But the holes will need to be smaller for the sneks and spiders. Synchronised squatting, very elegant!
  20. Welcome Banjo and congratulations Annette on your recovery
  21. I wish it was a thing in our house. My back is killing me from sitting on the floor for cuddles (yes, I’m still complaining about that! )
  22. We can possibly see evidence of watermelon around her chops (Buddy gets the same food marks, just on one side, and they’re the same shade of brown as Wiki’s regardless of what he eats!)
  23. They are all very good. Buddy will not share his bed with another dog, or fresh air with a cat!
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