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Everything posted by greysandmollie

  1. Congrats to everyone.... I am not typically one to fall in love with the white dogs but his markings are so pretty!!
  2. Sending good thoughts for Isis.... I usually try to have some rimadyl on hand for such occasions where there is no reason to run to the evet but it can give them some comfort. Cody wiped out in the yard last week and came in holding up a leg. I happened to have some rimadyl and he was fine the next day. Hope Iris is feeling better.
  3. Oh no....the emotional rollercoaster must be unbearable. for better news soon.
  4. Many hugs to you and the boys.....
  5. OMG...so young.....I am so very sorry for your loss.....
  6. Oh Judy..... I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet girl.....
  7. BJ..... First for you and Black Jack!! Then I have to chuckle a little....you have the strangest things happen!
  8. Hope you could get into the vet today!! Sounds yucky for you and Black Jack!!
  9. Oh no...hope it is just a soft tissue issue..... :hope
  10. You are a brave man....that Jennifer is a handful...but a very good egg!! From someone who has had some cocktails with her!!
  11. Rascal was treated for Lymphoma several years ago. His only showed up in his spleen for whatever reason. But we treated him for about 7 months and he had another 7 months on top of that. For us it was worth every penny. The chemo made him tired but it didn't effect him terribly. I struggled to get him to eat towards the end. Those were the only two things that really changed for him. Good Luck with a very difficult decision!
  12. Oh Nancy, There are just no words. I am tearing up at my desk. Many hugs to you and Bones.
  13. I used to live in NC with my first black boy....he did get hot but no more so than my friends white hound. We didn't go out much in the middle of the day as it was too freakin hot for me! I have had three black boys and each one has had a different tolerance but never a serious issue.
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