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Everything posted by greysandmollie

  1. Oh No Shelby....I have been out of town and just getting caught up on things. Big hugs for Deuce and you and your family!!
  2. Congrats Kari!! That is a beautiful pic of you and the kids!
  3. Oh Carolyn..... I am so sorry.... Hugs to you and DH and Faith.....
  4. many hugs to you Diane.....
  5. Shelby... Hugs to you and the family and many good thoughts for Deuce!!
  6. What a beautiful boy!! Hugs to you in a difficult time...
  7. I have only had to make that decision twice. Once with Rascal who was 12 1/2 and had lymphoma but we did chemo and bought time. He had FCE years before that and his legs were weak. When I made the decision it was for two reasons, one he couldn't get up and two he looked too darned tired to go on. He was my first dog and for a million reasons I was devastated. But I knew he was ready. When Bounty got sick last year at 8 and was stuggling to breathe only days after we figured out the cancer and was euthanized a couple days later I had never felt pain and guilt like that. He didn't know he was sick and the look on his face that day is etched in my mind. I definately felt like I killed my dog. Nothing will ever get that out of my head as much as I try. It was an illness that there was no way to rebound for it for him but I have never felt worse about anything in my life. My point...there isn't one...sucks no matter what....
  8. Shelby... Hope they found out what is up with Deuce!!
  9. Oh no...I am sorry you didn't have more time with her.....
  10. Oh I am so sorry for your loss. I read this with shock and saddness for you all!!
  11. Shelby, I hope he is feeling better soon!! No experieince with Baytril but just googling it I see it listed for UTI's. that is it something simple to clear up!!
  12. Rascal at the age of seven had a bout with FCE and was completely incontinent and lacked any bowel control. He rebounded as far as mobility and was happy and healthy for 5+ years afterwards. It required lots of extra work on my part but I would do it all over again in a heartbeat to have soem more time with him. Bounty came as a broken hock dog. His problem, not necessarily special needs, but his front toes started to fuse. He still got around okay but you could tell they bothered him as well as the toe on his bad leg that had been broken twice.
  13. Have you tried Reglan?? I want to send many hugs to you and Emmy both. That is so frustrating...I went thru that with Rascal and it does make you want to cry.
  14. Jayme... I am so sorry to hear about your loss.....
  15. Wow....he sounds like he is feeling fine!!! Bring him to Ohio as soon as you can...I specialize in goofy boys who want to tell me what to do all the time!!! Rascal H was a specialist in it!!
  16. Nancy.... I hope he is able to eat!! You better continue to post pics!
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