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Everything posted by greysandmollie

  1. He is beautiful!! Wow....that is a whole different cup of tea from a greyhound!! Congrats!! To you and Him!
  2. Oh poor Cadet! Hopefully it is nothing to worry about!! Sidebar...Who are you bringing to Bluegrass?
  3. Hope Bailey is feeling better this morning!
  4. Oh No Jan.... Hope she feels better tomorrow!!
  5. Congrats to everyone!! He is so very pretty Judy!
  6. I went through chemo with Rascal for Lymphoma. I don't remember the drugs we used as it was a few years ago. The chemo made him tired but it only lasted about 24hrs. He was never sick afterwards. We did chemo for about six months and then it really just wasn't effective but I still had him for another 8 months past that. His was not as fast progressing as others I have heard about on this board.
  7. As with anything.....you will get the hang of it soon and probably wonder why you thought it was a big deal!! I am sure Quilty will be so happy to feel better!
  8. Congrats to you all and Quilty!! Diabetes is manageable!!
  9. scrambled eggs and ensure and cooked chicken were things Rascal couldn't turn down. Hot dogs were also a really tempting thing along with bologna.
  10. I have not ever used it but SA is the only thing I have heard it used for with dogs. I would definately talk to your vet and see how to take him off of it. I would imagine that the stoned look would be appropriate for what it is supposed to treat....REALLY calming him down.
  11. Kari... I have no dog experience but me experience....when I started on thyroid meds I had some stomach upset, not gas, but queasy stomach....lasted about a week and then I have been fine every since. Might give it some time.
  12. Welcome!! I am in Cincinnati too!! A girlfriend of mine, who posts under Baileysmom on GT, ran into you at Petsmart and was telling me that she knew you from your kids doing some event together. Anyway she said your new boy reminded her of my Dylan! I love the black boys...I have two right now. Congrats!!!
  13. It has been long enough that I do not remember the drugs that we worked with but I was very fortunate to have great luck with the chemo we did with rascal. He lived for 15 months past diagnosis. The chemo that we worked with didn't impact his quality of life at all. He would have one day where he was very tired but never really sick. Best of Luck!! I hope you have good results.
  14. Welcome!! What a beautiful face!! If you come to Bluegrass you will get to meet a lot of us!!!
  15. Oh big hugs for you....that is so frustrating...Cody has been in that phase lately...I have no idea how you manage so many things going on in your life. You deserve mother, wife and dog owner of year awards simultaneously!!
  16. What great memories.... Sorry you are going through two such sad losses so close together.....
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