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Everything posted by greysandmollie

  1. Hope today is a better day for Strider!
  2. What food are you feeding? Dylan when I first adopted him had issues. I have found that a food with only one protein and one carb seems to work very well for him. You might try adding some pumpkin to his food and the Fortiflora. I would see what happens after a week or two before worming again.
  3. Warlock has gone to the Bridge. Oh no Denise.....I was so hoping he would rebound.... I am glad he and Dodger had some time back together.
  4. Another pic of sweet Warlock.....Dodger wasn't paying any attention to me.... And another one...
  5. Very interesting. Well then maybe I will win the battle and get to tear out the carpet. Tile wipes up. Rascal was on it years ago when they actually pulled it off the shelf for humans. According to the studies at that point there was nothing tying the same issues to dogs that use it. It is widely still used and that happened back in the late 90's.
  6. for you and Riley!! Hope it is nothing serious!
  7. Sounds like Quilty is a tough one!! Speedy healing to her!
  8. That is a lot to handle in one day! everything is smooth for Quilty.
  9. Sandy, I am so very sorry for your loss.
  10. to you and your family Flash was so beautiful and special!
  11. Wish I could have met him! What a beautiful boy!
  12. Good Luck....and congrats for taking in this guy. Remember....after being neutered I have always been told that it takes about a month to see any behavorial changes. But lots of exercise for a dog like him is going to be needed like Judy said. Maybe start carry a bag of treats with you to get him to focus on you as well. Also for a dog with his energy I would consider training classes to do some work with a trainer that is familar with a higher energy dog.
  13. Hope Ace is home!! My brother had a female husky that was a fantastic dog and then he went and got a male husky. As Cathy says...he could not be contained so I would watch to see if your new guy may be an escape artist too.
  14. Men and their patience!! Hope things went okay last night. I am sure that a month from now after he has less testosterone and they have learned to live with each other it will be a different pack. I adore my two little mixes but they definately require more than the greyhounds. Hopefully your BF will be up to exercising him and that will keep him in line.
  15. Congrats!! I am sure he will be a better inside doggie once he gets snipped. Good luck!
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