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Everything posted by Mercsmom

  1. So, I'm not the only one who got seriously leaky when I heard about it?
  2. Mercsmom

    Merc valentine

    From the album: Mercury's first year

    cartoonize your pet
  3. One Karsashian (any Kardashian) would do it to me. ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!
  4. O.K., you convinced me. I'm ordering them from Amazon right now. The vet had a long list of possible tests and diets (not that he was pushing them, just providing information). This seems like a natural, conservative first step.
  5. That's what I was thinking though xrays should answer that. I hope the well-endowed howndie has a nice androgynous name.
  6. mmmmmm! Is there a happier hound than the day you get to the end of the p.b. jar and they get to do clean-out-lickies?
  7. I don't know what to say. This is just awful and I hurt for you.
  8. She was such a sweet soul. She will be greytly missed.
  9. I, too, missed the news somehow. We are so very sorry for your loss. What a long journey you all had together. I am gratified to think of you and Burke and Bee Wiseman did to heel this poor sweet soul. I am saddened by your loss. I think Rocket put it best. Now, he's having stinky fish at the Bridge's all you can eat buffet and he'll no longer feel fear of storms or being alone. Elizabeth, Richard, and Mercury
  10. Ah! Retired life! Livin la vida zzzzzzzzzzzzz!

  11. I have always thought of Spriet as one of the Grand Dames of GT. I was tickled to see her on the calendar this month. She will be missed. Run free, sweetie!
  12. Thanks for the reminder. This is one of those ingredients you don't think about. It's good to get a "nudge" now and then.
  13. So...... I'm not the only one to be late to work today because of her hound? I spent 15 minutes trying to get Mercury to poop, while I had to get to campus to give an exam!! Yeah.... I got no useful advice, just commiseration.
  14. Think of all the nice soft fuds foods you'll be getting. But I will certainly miss that silly smile!
  15. Be sure you get that adorable overbite into your siggie before he loses it!
  16. What Robin said is exactly my experience. Liberty had nerve damage and arthritis of the spine. the dog does not know the poo is falling out. That's why you have very clean dogs leaving poo behind. It especially happened when Liberty went to get up. The vet explained the biomechanical reasons for that. I learned to watch for the tail rising. She'd be sound asleep and the tail would start to go up. I'd grab a tissue and "make a catch". Done. Fortunately, her poo remained well formed (I said many a prayer of thanksgiving for that). As long as she was enjoying life, it was fine with me. Trust me, fecal incontinence is much easier to deal with than urinary. Liberty only wore dog panties at night or when left home alone. Again, if poo is well formed, this isn't like a diaper. She'd go to stand up and the poo would fall out. It would essentially roll around in the panties. I'd take them off, roll the poo into the toilet and toss the panties in the wash (or even do a quick sink laundry).
  17. Poor Percy! We knew those BillyBob teef would get him sooner or later.
  18. Mercsmom

    Merc siggy1

    From the album: Siggies

  19. Is that a roach I see?

  20. Mercsmom

    groovy roach

    From the album: Siggies

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