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Everything posted by Mercsmom

  1. I can't remember what it was like to go to the bathroom by myself (at home).

  2. Regarding the scratched leg - More than once (several times in fact) Mercury has come in from outside and later, I've found a small scratch or scab on his foot or leg. He's actually cutting his legs on the snow! Y'know how the snow can get crusty on top and you break through it, even a few inches? I think that's when it's happening. BTW, I'm envious of your webcam abilities. I've been going through heck trying to get mine to work, and it's internal to the PC!
  3. Mercsmom

    Mercury Mustang

    From the album: Mercury's first year

    Always wear your seatbelt!
  4. Mercsmom

    chair snugs

    From the album: Mercury's first year

  5. Having some protection made it possible to allow her to get up on the bed every night where she really wanted to be. During the day, I just watched and cleaned carpet. Arthritis and nerve damage meant that she'd often poop when getting up. Or sometimes while she slept. I can't tell how many evenings I sat in my chair in the living room and watched lying on the floor cushions. She'd be sound asleep and the tail would start to rise.......
  6. So.... where in Southwest Florida? There are a few of us in Charlotte County (O.K., I'm in New York part of the time but my mortgage and tax money go to Florida).
  7. I had three sets of dog panties for my Liberty. Poo is so much easier to deal with than loss of bladder control. By "dealing" with it (panties at night, lots of clean up) we were able to spend almost a whole 'nuther year together. She was still enjoying herself and we were enjoying her.Seriously - dog panties fro Pet?Co or Pet Smart. Skip the expensive dog diapers. Use the panties, line with a female sanitary product and save a fortune.
  8. Mercsmom

    Pink snood

    From the album: Mercury's first year

    Mercury modelling one of my creations for my Etsy store.
  9. Mercsmom

    the first week

    From the album: Mercury's first year

    Mercury with his first squeaky toy
  10. From the album: Mercury's first year

  11. I, too, had a dog who would not touch a thing while I was gone. I chalked it up to "survival behavior". Afterall, if the human's gone for a long, long time, that food's gonna have to last.
  12. I was wondering if "suspenders" maybe attached to a winter coat would work best for keeping boots on. I can just see stopping at an interstate rest stop on a holiday trip and having to keep track of whether booties are on or off.
  13. Has anyone had luck with cooling blankets or jackets? The kind where you wet a towel or fabric to drape over the dog? I've tried wetting Mercury down with water while out walking. Can't say if I know whether it made a difference.
  14. Wow, I didn't know I was walking the "old fashioned way". O.K., maybe I am old fashioned but let's remember where this came from. You walk on the left side of the road so that oncoming cars can see you. You walk your dog on your left side so that he is protected. It's all done for a reason (in the same way Brits drive on the left and brides walk on their father's left, it was all done for a defense reason). In Obedience class, when the trainer said, "I don't care which side you walk your dog on." I was floored. Maybe I'm just a dinosaur. (Yes, I still say "whom" when proper, wear a slip under a skirt, and reply "how do you do" when someone says to me "how do you do". See... just a dinosaur [at 53].)
  15. The first day Mercury came to live with us he very gently stole a peach out of the fruit bowl. I thought he had a tennis ball in his mouth until I remembered we didn't have any tennis balls in the house. While he loves most fruits and veggies and a slightly different assortment from my previous dogs (such as no to fennel but yes to oranges), I've never met a doggy who didn't lovvvvvvve melon!
  16. Mercury and I started classes after he'd been with us about 6 weeks. I figured a month was enough time to adjust. The rest of the class can't get over how calm he is and how well he "stay"s. I just shake my head. Let's see. they've got a 5 month old lab puppy (all feet and appetite) and can't believe how calm an adult, neutered, ex-racing greyhound is. Half the time I just pretend he's exceptionally well mannered (rather than point out that he's named for the God of Thievery for a reason and comes with his own challenges). :-)
  17. Wow, and I thought it was unusual that my Liberty was a female "territorial pee-er" (my own term). I swear she would save it so that she could squat 15 times on one walk. She looked like she was squeezing it out just so she could have her say. I'm amazed that Mercury (my first boy dog) doesn't seem that interested, only occasionally peeing where some other dog has (or on his own foot).
  18. Let's not forget "Ally Oop!" which means hop in the car. I try to remember that our dogs learn all the time so we should try to get them to learn what we want them to know/do. I taught a dog "enough!" (leave off) without even realizing I was doing it. As they say.... it's the owners who get trained. :-)
  19. Yep, I did the lay-down-first method. Mercury is just beginning to sit but I only ask from a down position. It works like this: Down command and hand signal (holding a mini marshmallow in the other hand does wonders for the power of concentration. Praise and "mooshie" treat. Then, I hold another marshmallow just above his nose. As he raises his head I draw the mooshie up until he has to get the front of his body off the ground. He's done it several times. Now, I'm attempting a 3 second "stay" in that position so he'll (hopefully) get the notion that sit is a position on its own.
  20. Yeah.... I don't think you can get a greyhound to use the seat, let alone wipe it!
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