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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. I know how much he struggled, but I still can't believe it.
  2. Don't let the smile fool you—it was just a lucky catch between outtakes of stink-eye and bewilderment. And Jerilyn, I wish I could take credit, but I saw the idea online somewhere . . . still, I made it all myownself! He might be spared...this year.
  3. Seriously. We could do a Great International Houndie Calendar Handoff.
  4. Okay, sorry I couldn't be more help! @GreyPoopon let me know what you decide.
  5. I know from the Facebook page that people have had to do two or three rounds of Profender, but I thought now that they're on Simparica Trio we'd be home free. Ooh, interesting theory. Let us know what you find out!
  6. They're ba-ack. Willa's had intermittent diarrhea—never urgent, just loose stool—for a few weeks that we'd assumed was chemo related. And then Doolin started having some gnarly gas and belly gurgles the past week or two. I took a Willa sample in yesterday and sure enough, here we go again. I know it's not targeted for hooks, but I am sort of shocked chemo didn't kill them! I am waiting to hear back about whether it's a problem to treat them with Profender again while she's on chemo. How's everyone else doing?
  7. I'll go to the post office in person and check the rate.
  8. Glad you have your copilot on the job (hint: it's knot AnnIE).
  9. Yikes, UPS was disappointing (cursed inflation!). I took a planner and calendar I had of similar size and weight and it was going to be $39. I did get a quote online for the postal service of $23-30 and I can verify that on Monday in person if you'd like. I wonder, since you two are in the same province, would it come out cheaper to split the shipping for one package with both calendars and then the recipient mails it to the other person? I saw that they're being offered as a discounted bundle at https://greytstore.org/products/celebrating-greyhounds-2024-wall-calendar-weekly-planner (not sure if they ship to Canada, but I'd be happy to order and ship if this idea makes any sense at all).
  10. I just read this from an old post of yours, and I'd say so! I'll have to try your tactic.
  11. He's pretty cute even if he doesn't always pee where he should...
  12. I think my local group is selling them, so shipping to me will probably be negligible or I could pick them up in person. UPS is literally half a mile away from me so not a problem at all to check costs with them. Will you PM your addresses?
  13. Sure, I will help you out. I have found that UPS is cheaper for shipping to Canada.
  14. She is gorgeous! She's so furry like Sweep was. Is she bunny soft?
  15. Willa says our road trips really leave something to be desired. Thank you for sharing! So glad to see research ramping up in this area, even since two years ago when we went through it with Sweep.
  16. Tripods rock! Not that I am biased at all. So glad to see that Manny has adjusted well and is still living life to the fullest.
  17. Me me me! ramonaghan11 [at] gmail.com Ha, that's always been the relationship with the cats and hounds here. They'll do fine! Congrats!!
  18. We'll join this year. Two hounds. And I can elf again. My sentiments exactly!
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