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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. These snoots are made for shov'ling, and that's just wot they'll do... (Reminds me of the time Sweep feigned innocence about sampling my spaghetti...with a noodle hanging out of her mouth.)
  2. AnnIE!! Happiest 11th birfday! I hope you get everything you want today, even if it's a little embarrassing for mom.
  3. Woowoo! Aw, Punkin, this too shall pass. And you'll be so happy when it doesn't snow in the house!
  4. Me too! Such a clever idea. Love it—thank you, @NHNora!
  5. Happy bridge birthday, Rocket. Fries are on the menu tonight in your honor. Don and Chris. And for you too, Ducky.
  6. My family's been going there since I was 9(!). Hurricane Michael did a number on the area a few years ago and some of the businesses and restaurants (like Boss Oyster) never recovered, but it's still as quaint and beautiful as ever. I loved being there this time of year. Perfect mid-70s weather during the day, cool in the morning and night, and even less traffic than usual. You need to get back there. It has healing properties, as Doolin can attest to.
  7. Punkin! I hope you had a faboo day, sweet girl. Twelve is swell!
  8. I remember them too. So sorry to read this. My condolences to her friends and family.
  9. He was pretty stunned, I think, but recovered quickly and got back to shore easily with the help of the current. No harm done! He was more traumatized by being showered off afterward. He was back in the surf the next day, albeit leashed up and only a few inches deep. Willa, on the other hand, was not too sure about the water. She didn't get her feet wet if she could help it. And she's usually the bold one!
  10. We just got back from a vacation in St. George Island, FL, with the siblings to celebrate Willa's last chemo on the 13th. Unfortunately, her white blood cell count was a little too low to give her a full dose then, so we were given the option to give her a lower dose or wait until we got back when her WBC was higher. We went with the latter and she had that dose this morning. As it turns out, though, the oncologist says we can give her "one more for luck" so we'll do that in 3 weeks since she is insured and has no side effects from it. The best news is that she had chest x-rays today and her lungs are still clear. The other good news is that Doolin was scheduled for outpatient surgery next Monday for a small bump we found on his chest last month. An FNA showed it was likely a plasmacytoma, a benign tumor that was unlikely to grow back if surgically removed; however, it has steadily shrunk since our appointment and the sand and saltwater must have taken care of the rest, because it's completely gone and we have canceled his procedure. So, technically I guess we pre-celebrated at the beach! I wanted to share some of my favorite pics from our trip. Since there was really nowhere they could go (ocean on one side, dunes on the other), we let them go off-leash a little bit. Much to my surprise, Doolin proved that racing instinct to run counterclockwise is STRONG! (I am saying "ocean" here. Uh huh, that's it. ) Thanks for looking, and happy Thanksgiving to our US friends!
  11. Yay, AnnIE! I'm so honored to know these Maine celebrities.
  12. Wild Woman Willa Our thrilla from the villa loves toys that squeak and any food she can sneak! Her mom just requests easy to digest since sometimes yummy equals hard on hound's tummy. Our tripod dear is always full of cheer and will love anything that Santa wants to bring. As for mom, she's easy too Greyhound ornaments would do And chocolate, tea, or local delights Are always gifts that sit just right.
  13. Those are incredible. I love the one of Venus especially. Not surprised it couldn't get the ETS right—but that would have been super scary!
  14. My weirdo goes down the stairs without help; it's going up that he's reluctant about!
  15. Now there's a good Christmas card idea!! So cute.
  16. I remember when we watched a young adoptable greyhound for a weekend. Her name was Sweep. Do you take your toast with just butter or jam too? (P.S. Buster is gorgeous and it sounds like he's got oodles of personality to boot. )
  17. I replaced the PostImg links with Flickr links. Can you see them now?
  18. Olewo carrots are a good idea. A lot of us have success feeding Iams Proactive Health in the green bag. Not the highest quality food, no, but honestly many of the fancier brands don't agree with the hounds' sensitive systems. That Iams line contains beet pulp, which seems to help firm things up. I'd start with the carrots, and if they don't work, slowly introduce the new kibble. I agree about retesting for hooks, too. Jerilyn and I both know from experience that negative doesn't always mean negative for good!
  19. You're totally right! I couldn't place why it looked familiar.
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