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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. My weirdo goes down the stairs without help; it's going up that he's reluctant about!
  2. Now there's a good Christmas card idea!! So cute.
  3. I remember when we watched a young adoptable greyhound for a weekend. Her name was Sweep. Do you take your toast with just butter or jam too? (P.S. Buster is gorgeous and it sounds like he's got oodles of personality to boot. )
  4. I replaced the PostImg links with Flickr links. Can you see them now?
  5. Olewo carrots are a good idea. A lot of us have success feeding Iams Proactive Health in the green bag. Not the highest quality food, no, but honestly many of the fancier brands don't agree with the hounds' sensitive systems. That Iams line contains beet pulp, which seems to help firm things up. I'd start with the carrots, and if they don't work, slowly introduce the new kibble. I agree about retesting for hooks, too. Jerilyn and I both know from experience that negative doesn't always mean negative for good!
  6. You're totally right! I couldn't place why it looked familiar.
  7. She won! They just called and I am bowled over. We are getting a $250 credit for Monday's chemo and they are donating $250 to the rescue of my choice (I went with Galgos del Sol). They thanked her for being a great tripod ambassador and us for being such a good client. (I resisted the urge to say "I'd be okay with not seeing so much of your oncology department..." ) Yay, Willa!
  8. Leaning into our future under robot overloads, I played with the Bing Create tool today (I really shouldn't have, since my husband is a designer and this is KNOT good for his industry). Here are some portraits of Doolin and Willa it generated. I just typed in the prompt "Tan brindle greyhound in a purple collar in the style of Pixar" and "Dark brindle greyhound with big brown eyes in the style of Pixar." It didn't seem to know what to do with "three legs," "missing a front leg," or "three-legged," so for now Willa gets her leg back. If anyone else is so inclined, I'd love to see more houndie portraits in different styles!
  9. Hi, it's me, Doolin! I'm already droolin' Just thinking of treats made of cheese or of meat. I'm not a picky boy. I love all of the toys. But let me be blunt: my favorites go "grunt!" I really love to make them sing before the alarm clock dings. I'm a silly playful guy even though I'm also quite shy. On blankies I'm set They make me sweat! My mom likes all the sweets but says chocolate can't be beat.
  10. Carmen the Greyhound is a jolly lucky girl, for her Santa's here to spread Christmas cheer (no, we don't mean fresh-caught squirrel!) Carmen the Greyhound, can you tell this elf one thing: Is there a food you like above all else that would make your heart just sing? There must be something you would love, like a toy or collar bright, that when it's placed beneath the tree you'd squeal with pure delight! Monica, it's your turn to reveal your deepest wish Is it candy sweet or another treat that you think is most delish? Carmen and her mom, we look forward to your reply. There's no time to waste, so please make haste— soon the reindeer start to fly!
  11. It's me, I'm back! I'm here to say Santa's starting to pack the sleigh. Amelia, my dear, What would you like for Santa to deliver on a cold winter's night? Is it treats you want or toys that squeak? Are bedazzled collars the thing you seek? Tell me your favorite colors and tastes. And what kinds of gifts might go to waste? For your mom Monica we also need to know what Santa should carry through the soft white snow. Is it coffee or tea, or jewels for her ears? What would fill her up with Christmas cheer? Thank you for reading; we await your reply. In the meantime this elf shall be standing by!
  12. Happy gotcha day, Mark! Your look of pure bliss in that photo says it all.
  13. Oh, Gelsey. You and Willa would have a rip-roaring good time together. Willa's last conquest was the invoice from her vet visit. Can't say I blamed her for that!
  14. She did, but I think they might have forgotten they were having a contest. If I don't hear, I will ask at her last(!) chemo appointment on the 13th. Thanks for voting!
  15. There's so much sorrow on both sides of this situation. I know many of us here have had a slip-up with one of our dogs and only by sheer luck didn't have it turn out tragically. We all do our best, but accidents can and do happen. We're only human. I'm sorry for your struggles and I hope you will extend yourself some grace and be able to heal in time.
  16. Punkin Appreciation Day! Happy Halloween!
  17. If you have Facebook, the clinic where Willa's being treated for osteo is having a costume contest today: https://www.facebook.com/NashvilleVeterinarySpecialists/posts/pfbid0Z5Cniw4w4cb3MV9aHgqPGz4zNqGhJ7mKtuRDFSeJZWnNti6rALDsTF6mV2JbWc7Dl. If you are so inclined, please vote by liking her pic in the comments. Thanks, and Happy Halloween!
  18. I believe @Time4ANap has posted about a stretcher before for just such a situation. Try searching the forum for "stretcher" or maybe he will see this and chime in. I will add that Sweep could be reactive too (sleep startle and space issues around her bed) but when she broke her leg, she must have been full of adrenaline and was able to walk (tripodding) with help. We used her harness to get her into the car. (A help 'em up harness and Ruffwear's Flagline or Webmaster are great options.) We honestly were shocked she'd broken her leg because she was so stoic. Definitely not everyone's experience but just sharing ours. Adrenaline makes a difference for everyone involved.
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