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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. I can't imagine how devastated you are for how sudden this was. Thinking of you. I'm so sorry.
  2. In trying to manage Kasey's LS with all this chemo going on isn't an easy feat. I'd like to weigh some pros and cons for switching from prednisone to an NSAID. The pred right now is essentially handling the inflammation in his back. He has been on a light dose since 2008 to control allergies, so I already had it on hand and the vet said it was ok to increase to help him, this was before the tumour was biopsied. Some days his legs are just sticks on a body, and before he becomes too reliant on the steroid, I'd like to consider another option, that hopefully helps his pain, inflammation and stops the side effects of muscle wasting etc. Is there anything else out there? How long does he have to be off pred before switching - it's difficult for him to go longer than 36 hours right now on 10mg. Similarly, if I visit this Depo injection thing again, he would also have to be off pred for a bit before we do that.....
  3. Just seeing this now. I'm so sorry. Run free Tibbie.
  4. I'm not sure how I missed this back in June. I'm sending some healing thoughts!
  5. He certainly drinks more with kibble that's for sure. He's really such a trooper, but his back end is sagging so badly these days. The vet doesn't want me to give him more than 10mg of pred every 36 hours while he's on chemo. As soon as he's in the clear, I'll be bumping him to 10mg every 24 hours. It seems to be taking a little bit longer to start working once he's already declining, so I want to stay on top of the game so he's not on pain. I wonder if I should start using another pain med instead of gaba? Certainly the stress on his back must be painful. Would Metacam be approriate?
  6. Oh my goodness. That beautiful face gone too soon. Time with you was so short, but he was well loved. He found a great place to spend his remaining days.
  7. You've come to the right place What purdy coloring!
  8. It must have been nausea or something, he settled within a half hour and was peacefully sleeping. I wish they could talk sometimes!
  9. I've been fighting a bit of a diet battle with Kasey and Ryder right now vs. raw and kibble. Ryder (fed raw right now) is really getting all of Kasey's left overs (fed kibble right now). That means Ry gets kibble in with his raw. He really is relishing it but it's making quite the difference in the poop consistency, so I agree with the above in feeding the meals separately.
  10. He's doing fabulously. He's still not eating, was never a big eater, but what a difference from the first round vs. these rounds. Interestingly, he had a very weird spot on his tail, stud tail for all his life. It's gone! Maybe all this chemo is just fixing everything that's a little weird. LOL We're scheduled to do another IV round of Vincristine on Friday morning and that's that!!!
  11. Holy is he ever restless tonight, and whining. Food, water, check. Pee, poo, check, gaba, check. Gave him 120mg cerenia thinking his system might be bothering him and he'll just chill!
  12. You coulda hijacked it, I wouldn't mind At least I think you meant mine. Fresh Factors tablets have a smell the the Joint Health don't, and my dogs will readily eat FF and turn their nose up at JH. Ben might enjoy it! What relation does this have with pred? I've given both to Kasey for 7 years without a (known) issue.
  13. Well I just checked what I take. Fast Acting "Super Sleep" by Webber Naturals (from Costco). It's 100 mg of L-Theanine, 15 mg 5-Hydroxytryptophan, 1.5 mg Melatonin. I don't think I should be giving that. Like they say, if you can't pronounce it...
  14. Not applicable to the Great White North.
  15. You bet. You can even order it online now. Shipping is a bit costly but I buy a lot at once to make it worthwhile and last. I just can't be bothered/running around to find what they need, that is dog friendly, in multiple stores. So I justify the shipping charges for my fuel bill!
  16. Now that's interesting! Will he be sleepy too? What brand is best? I take some but it's a chewable tablet....I'd have to check the dosage.
  17. ANNNNND Kasey is making a comeback. Platelets 204. All is back to normal. We went ahead with the tablets today. Vet said tomorrow might be a sucky day. Scheduled one more IV of Vincristine on Friday and if that will be handled as well as this one then we're lookin' pretty good. Surprisingly they said Vincristine helps elevate platelet levels so it's nice to see that Kasey rebounded back from that so quickly. He refused brekkie today though so I think that might be my biggest struggle throughout this week. Thank you for your thoughts, they are indeed helping!
  18. HAHAHA green?!? Love it, it'll mix with his currently brown mustache. And potential pump huh, this is some good info. Thank you. At least they are the "free items" so I'll give them a go and as you said, don't reorder if it doesn't work out.
  19. Hmmm, so what does it do for the skin/coat, do you see any bit of an improved coat, thicker perhaps? I figure if this doesn't work I'll go back to try the Dermoscent since I know that works but it's pricey and it's topical. My Kirkland brand has 500/400/400 each so I give them 2 a day. Ryder readily gulps it down if I just put it in his food, but Kasey works around it so I have to stuff it down his throat. Not that it's that big of a deal but I'd prefer he just eat it like the chewables, etc. Interesting about the algae smell on Longevity.
  20. I call that a corn. Agreed the middle looks different (but Kasey has a dark spot in the middle of one of his as well - almost more of a plantar wart style), and also agree that many vets (and actually ones that are familiar with greys, have small exposure to these sorts of things). However, 3 years old is very young to develop this IMO. May I suggest 2 things. Soak the foot in some warm water and epsom salts, for about 5 minutes if your grey is tolerant, 10 would be better. If it's a foreign body, you'll be able to loosen it and try to get it out of there. I had to get rid of something on Ryder this way that was on the back of his big paw pad. 3 days of soaking twice a day and squeezed whatever it was right out. Secondly, I didn't think it would work for Kasey after 2 years of trying other methods, but if you try soaking it and nothing is coming out it might be a corn - put some ductape over it. The ductape acts to prevent air getting to the "corn" and it will slowly protrude and you'll be able to remove it. The tape will likely fall off on it's own, or change it yourself in a few days. You'll notice the corn want to come away with the tape. It also acts as a bit of a cushion when walking around. I wonder if this would also work if it was something lodged in the paw. Best of luck, keep us posted!
  21. Either way, your following and comments are appreciated. He's such a trooper. I wish I could notice a difference in the tumour though. Positive visual results on what we are trying to attack would be a welcomed sight. For any of those that would like to read up on a paper the Couto recently wrote about what Kasey (and no doubt other dogs are experiencing), the link is below Intramuscular HSA I hope it is viewable to you as it's a PDF. http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.michvma.org/resource/resmgr/SAS_Proceedings_14-15/Couto_-_Hemangiosarcoma.pdf
  22. Voted. Yes noticed a big difference for Kasey who was showing signs of difficulty to rise and to jump up on the bed at the age of 10. Took care of that within 30 days. Both boys have been on it now for about 2 years, and I'll continue using it the rest of their lives.
  23. So I just placed an order for Fresh Factors and Joint Health, the boys are down to only a few tablets. I also got some Omega 3-6-9 for the first time and this opened up quite a few choices for Free Product! I gave Longevity a go (has MSM/Chondroitin/Glucosamine all in a powder format - if this works I might retire the human vitamin pill I get from Costco) and Skin & Coat (a mix of 7 oils added to their food - I'm hoping I can grow Kasey's fur back after he was shaved for his ultrasound), and Advanced Hip & Joint (there wasn't anything else I was interested in trying but this has the G/M/C in it again). Anyone try the Skin & Coat oil from them? How about Longevity? I'm concerned if there is a "bad" smell in either of these, Kasey will just turn his nose up on it instead of eating his food.
  24. Never heard of Fresh Start. If it's Fresh Factors, you'll have plenty of responses.
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