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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. So far this round is much better. No bruising (yet). He's not as weak as he is just completely sleepy and tired. He's beginning to lose his appetite now, but I'm trying to avoid the people food as much as possible so his D will be a little bit more under wraps. Surprisingly he had a great poop this morning. So I will hold off on those meds for now until I see it get worse again. Crossing fingers. Going in for bloodwork in 24 hours and then we'll try to give him tablets if all is well.
  2. And the big D has started. Gave him Tylosin this evening. His D cleared up around the 5th day on it's own during the last round, and these meds are for 5 days so I'm hoping very much that this will work. The poor guy just keeps getting more and more pills rammed down his throat. I read a side effect of the Vincristine could be a sore jaw. I'll try not to open his mouth too wide going forward. Hoping he keeps eating. So far no bruising and after his pred today he seems to be much better with his back end. I'm expecting Tylosin to jam him up a bit so I shouldn't be expecting much to come out the other end in the next few days? I'd love to get some Slippery Elm into his system, but he is very likely to refuse his meal, since he's already disinterested. He is also on Mirazapine to help encourage his eating, which I found worked last week. Also, the Probiotic the vet gave me must have an enticing smell because he readily eats his meals when that is sprinkled on there. Expecting a long day tomorrow but for now he's resting comfortably. On the plus side, I've recently noticed some of his fur growing back on his sides from where they shaved him at the end of May for his ultrasounds. Kinda cute. When he's all done this, I'll be looking forward to growing back his luscious coat.
  3. So we dropped from 193 to 136. Holding off on the Cyclophosphamide tablets until at least Monday. Will recheck platelets Monday morning. Pray for an uneventful 48 hours for Kasey & me please. I really don't want to go through the same stuff as last time.
  4. Platelet level was up to 193 so Kasey was cleared for next round of chemo. And he even gained a pound! Vincristine was administered via IV yesterday and so far so good. He was very restless yesterday after getting him home, and actually very weak because he hadn't had any pred or gaba for his LS. The harness I got for him is certainly getting a work out now! They also checked his dew claw and it's healed up nicely. I took very diligent care of it over the week so he's able to have it exposed to the air now. I had to go out last night for a few hours but watched him on my webcam. He spent 20 minutes cleaning his paw and then stopped, which I was relieved about. He got all the stuck blood off his paw so I can see it better now! I cringed as I watched him get up and struggle, very similar to last Friday when he busted his dew claw. Thankfully he was alright last night. I would much rather ensure he's not in pain with his back, than to have him hurt himself when unattended because he's weak and struggling and gets frantic. It's the lesser of two evils. Going in for another CBC today in a few hours because he is scheduled to have Cyclophosphamide tablets administered tomorrow. I've pre-emtively set another CBC for Monday afternoon just in case, plus if he starts bruising again, I've already got an appt booked. He's behaving right now the same way with his first round, and I'm just holding my breath hoping that he's not going to start completely going downhill again tonight. He's still eating which is good. He actually wanted some of Ry's raw so I just let him have it, they said as long as he eats something - it's not preferred but he needs to at least eat. Thankfully he had a large helping of kibble this morning, and I'll be making him some lentils and pasta to mix with tonight for dinner. Fingers crossed.
  5. Correct, but not eating certainly won't help. I was simply trying to ask OP to identify or rule out from step one without needing to get into why.
  6. I use Polyfill, push into the marks with your finger and try to leave some excess a little higher than the baseboard, wait 24 hours, and sand. You could leave it (if it's white on white) or repaint over it if necessary.
  7. Oh my. I'm learning more about platelets now that Kasey is going through chemo, both of your reported numbers are considerably lower than the "threshold". Typically their range is about 110-205 (thousands) or so. For example, Kasey's blood work last Friday said 53, but on Monday was 179. Reason for the increase? - he's eating. The most important thing is that they eat in order to try to create more platelets. So I would first ask, because you didn't mention - are they eating? Are they eating according to their usual routine? Are they eating enough? What are they eating? What is their weight? Do they seem lethargic?
  8. Ryder and Kasey will both tell you that they readily eat FF but JH seems to have a different smell. LOL I always know which tablet they haven't finished if it put them side by side LOL
  9. Musta been Tramadol......they gave that to us the last time, and for Kasey as well. Glad Lexie is at home and all is well!
  10. I've used SpringTime Fresh Factors and Joint Health chewable tablets together. When Kasey couldn't jump up on the bed without effort at 10 I turned to it and it really helped over the last 2 years before the LS diagnosis. He also started growing in some nice fur! Now he also gets MSM/Chondroitin/Glucosamine vitamins as well.
  11. Yup, you hit the nail on the head! If anything, consider going to chiro based on these early signs. It really may do her a world of good preemptively, but it doesn't sound like she needs meds just yet. Have you tried any other joint supplements, etc?
  12. Re: LS - I didn't notice you specifying any hind end weakness - which is classic LS. To properly diagnose LS you'll need an MRI. Has she seen a chiropractor? Targeted pressure to what area? How long can she stand without her back end starting to sag? How is she with jumping up - in the car, on the bed, up stairs? Typically Gabapentin is given, which is a nerve pain drug. It wouldn't do any good if she's exhibiting other kind of symptoms.
  13. This is very true. Ry got his very back little ones taken out that were just hanging on for dear life. I finally put two and two together about why he shakes his head at mach 1 often. He barely had any pain in comparison to the other big chompers he had taken out! And no more mach 1 shakes repeatedly.
  14. Awh, an angel took him in. Bless you! Who could just drop that pretty face off?
  15. Ack, I was hoping they wouldn't be the ones! In my experience those are the worst ones (I've been fortunate not to have encountered an upper canine to be pulled which affects the nasal cavity). You are right to hope she's not in pain. I'll get back to you later today if I can find it! She'll be fine, but it'll be a bit of an owie. And it's ALWAYS worse for the owner!
  16. Wow. That's pretty cool. I could use some help but I think there are others that might be able to benefit from aid more than myself. I'd feel guilty asking, (albeit very grateful) but I wonder what their processes are like in order to be approved, plus I'm in the great white north. It's nice to know that there are resources out there like this to help out in times of need. What a great list!
  17. I wish I could remember what Ryder was on....he was completely stoned for a couple days. I can guarantee he didn't feel a thing but he had his big upper molars removed, which was a traumatic yank on his poor face. The stoned attitude I could have dealt without because he didn't know which way was up, that's the only good thing about it. I'll check the name of it at home if I can find the label. Which of her teeth need pulling?
  18. And the roller coaster continues. Platelets UP to 179 Still on track for bloodwork again to check how he's progressing on Friday before another round of chemo. I'm honestly completely astonished at this good news. From 53 to 179 in 3 days! Dewclaw was inspected. Vet tech came out and said "who did the bandages?" I said "me" She said "it looks great!" She said the site itself looks bad, but she seen worse. The syptic powder and the cornstarch have bonded up a nice clot and she didn't want to remove it, but did clean it up as best they could. The bad news however is that I have to keep it bandaged for the rest of the week with nightly re-dressings She would like it bandaged up a different way so I took video and watched closely. Her "type" involves covering up the toes completely to provide more support. The downside is if the bandages get wet they pretty much have to be replaced. She gave me the sexiest thing ever to cover it up if he has to walk in the wet - an old IV bag with ties on the top! He'll will be supervised 24/7, so I'll be figuring out some work arounds to get though this between work and night school. This I will have to say is already the most difficult July I have ever been through. My b-day is at the beginning of August. Let's hope I can truly celebrate with all of this being over and nothing but up from here. Cheers.
  19. Those pics of her are so beautiful. I'm sorry you lost her. Run free Shanti.
  20. Re-bandaged it last night. There is nothing left of the dew claw. Zero. And it's very yucky - but it clotted up good and didn't bleed as I very very carefully removed the gauze. My bandage job so far is holding 15 hours in Nurse momma huh? Also ground down his other dew claw and any other nails that needed it. Will re-bandage it again tonight, so it's protected tomorrow while I'm at work, and then he's going in for a CBC check to the vet (let's please hope his platelets are up). I'll let them take a look at his non existant dew claw and instruct me further. Prolly need to soak it though after we get back to get all the blood off from his surrounding fur if they tell me it's ok to leave un-bandaged. Think I'll find an old sock just in case? And naturally I'm out of epsom salts. He's feeling MUCH better today - yesterday was just an awful day for him, he was so weak I used the harness all day long to help him get up and get out of the house to do his thing. He had his first big dinner last night, kibble, rice and baby food. I'm hoping that's what is giving him so much "energy" today. He roached this morning on his bed, first time in a week and made it up and outside on his own power. He even trotted on his walk, I shouldn't let him exert himself (and it's hot here today) but I figure he's gotta move to keep his LS in check, so off we go at his pace. He had half his breakkie, more of the same kibble, rice and baby food. Will try to give him the rest of brekkie shortly. Poop was a little runny though this morning - and I forgot how much poop there is when he's on kibble.....easily 3/4 less when on raw. Side Note: Ryder puked in the middle of the night. Thankfully that's becoming rare, I can't remember the last time he did. Nope, no greyhound breaks. Thanks all. Will update again tomorrow barring any other catastrophes.
  21. That`s a great update. Was it just the carrots that made the fix or what else did you stick with?
  22. I'm not sure what you are trying to loosen, but when I've had to clean my boys, I soak a facecloth in a warm water mix with epsom salts and wipe down completely, pretty much saturate the whole area (do this over anything not carpet while they are standing). Perhaps consider putting the mix in a spray bottle too? Muzzle if you have to so you aren't getting bit and distract on the front end with high value treats.
  23. That sounds like a Seamie letter. Kasey has had off and on appetite all his life so I know what you are battling. He's now 12 and going through cancer and chemo and all that nasty stuff that is completely turning him off of anything going into his mouth. You mention new puppy in the house. That's interesting. Could be that, even though puppy is fed in crate. How do they get along? Sam might be just completely changing his 'tude. I'm newly trying an appetite stimulant but I can't say anything about it yet since I just started yesterday. I had to move Kasey from raw to kibble for his chemo duration, but when he used to be on kibble he very often lost interest and I'd always put scraps in there to sweeten the deal. He was also free fed (when we was the only hound in the house at the time) and he changed his feeding schedule on his own to before bed and noon instead of typical brekkie/dinner times. He loved the raw switch - (we did it when we was about 8 or 9 years old) and gained weight, perked up, the whole nine yards. Now years later he's losing interest in that now. I'd suggest giving raw a try, but if you don't want to do that, the list above of people food will help entice him to eat. On the flip side you might start battling upset stomach because of foods he's not used to eating. I also keep a few bottles of Ensure or Boost at home - he NEVER turns his nose up on that. Also, what pain meds is he on and for what? Have you thought of giving him Pepcid 15 mins before a meal? Might have a slight acid problem and that's discouraging him from eating, and could be tied in with the meds he's getting. Wouldn't hurt to try.
  24. Thank you. I'm catching breaks, but in totally different ways, not greyhound ways. He's feeling very crappy and sorry for himself today. I'm certain he's as frustrated as I am, doesn't want this sort of thing to happen - although I think he LOVES the attention LOL. I wish I could do more about his situation, but there isn't anything left to do. I got him to eat a cup of kibble, which means he got his drugs cocktail and he did a healthy one and two outside. Think we'll hang outside for a little bit today and enjoy the weather. I'll be bringing out my nail grinder to take care of that other dew claw before something happens there too. Ryder is being a champ but I'm sad that he's not getting the attention he should be getting either. What a champ of a brother though! AND he gets all of Kasey's uneaten meals.
  25. Back from evet. Bleeding stopped. Never a dull moment. Nail came off when we got there so they just put powder on it and bandaged it up good and proper. Told me to change it in 24 hrs. I think I can do it myself but insisted I go to my vet. They are only open until 2 tomorrow.
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