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Everything posted by sarabz

  1. Well, thanks, all, I think At least the stories are making me laugh!! When I googled "suddenly eating poop" up popped all of these warnings about getting your dog to the vet to check for deficiencies. Considering that nothing has changed and she just had a checkup a few weeks ago I wasn't inclined to do that immediately.
  2. Bella started eating a poopsicle for the first time ever . No changes to her diet (other than some extra treats), routine, etc. Why the sudden start - because she could for the first time? Eta - she had a split-open elk antler for the first time and I thought she was going to turn herself inside out with excitement. I wonder if it was this that was so tasty she wanted to experience it again? Ugh. Yes, I know its a dog thing but still, yuck.
  3. Oh, I am so sorry to hear this
  4. My heart goes out to you. You are clearly doing everything you can to make this work. However, it's good that your group will take her back and rehome her if needed - knowing that option exists hopefully makes things somewhat easier than feeling as though you're backed into a corner. Do keep us posted - the people on here have dealt with every situation that exists with hounds, or at least that's my view. You'll get tons and tons of advice but do what makes sense to you. Many hugs-
  5. I have put Bella in the bath numerous times with lots of loves and treats but no bath - that has helped. Also agree with someone else helping to hold and sooth.
  6. Just FYI - the per-bag pricing is the same as Petflow.com but Petflow.com offers free shipping which is a better deal than getting the 15% discount but paying shipping. So, the same 28 lb bag of Wild Prairie Grain Free is $61.99 via Petflow.com but $64.86 via Petfooddirect.com. Not sure what you're ordering or how much at a time, if the 15% discount balances out the shipping but wanted to let you know I get nothing from Petflow for endorsing them, by the way - I just think they have amazing customer service and have always been happy with them - we've been using them for 3 years.
  7. It took us a while but once we settled on a food (Acana), we decided to order through Petflow.com. Free shipping, I have a schedule set up and get a reminder about a week before the order is about to ship. Makes it easy for me because not many places carry this food and it saves me from impulse spending at the pet food store
  8. Love the comment. Glad Miami doesn't have the keys!! I'm paranoid about losing my keys so actually put a dog tag with my cell number and "if found please call". Touch wood have actually never needed that but makes me feel better.
  9. Welcome! Love it - a third black Bella on the board!
  10. Even just seeing the title of the thread as it continues to pop up makes me giggle!
  11. Yep, that's exactly what you do For the first time, I actually shopped early! Well, some of it anyway. And I actually FOUND the stuff I had stashed - amazing when I think of the other things I haven't yet found from our move.
  12. I'm reading this in bed as DH is getting ready for work. He just vowed to stop asking me what was making me laugh so hard
  13. Worse than the rest of this thread or the olives thread?
  14. My first pony was a gelding and we had foals born on the farm every year so I definitely learned more about sex/procreation from the barn than from school My geldings were normally pretty good about sheath cleaning - a skill I put to use with my volunteer riding now as all of the horses are geldings and one or two of them can be fussy about sheath cleaning, but they *ahem* relax and let me do it. My last mare LOVED having her udder cleaned. I never really understood how she could get it so dirty but she would lean into my hand and grunt and wiggle her lips whenever I cleaned it.
  15. wait, WOT?!?!?! but, I'm reading the books now - they're not going to help on Day 1 back from the hospital? And, yes, we need pictures
  16. In NYC we were required to have it done every 6 months. Now that we're in CT we'll probably go back to yearly as if Bella's not traveling with us she'll be staying with my parents whose dogs never leave the property.
  17. Noooooooooo!!!!! Joe T Reporter was a unique personality brought to life so well by his people, much like Bee Wiseman. He will be so missed
  18. sarabz


    From the album: Sarabz & Bella

  19. Hello from Bella in NYC (soon to be Bella in Connecticut). I wanted to add, it doesn't matter if you don't actually have your own kitteh - you can still blame everything on him! I do, although it takes more convincing of the mom......
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