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Everything posted by sarabz

  1. Yep, training for the humans AND the dog Lots of positive reinforcement for both!
  2. We realized, too, that Bella's unsettled by doors being closed and gates going up where she had been used to unrestricted access to everything. Also as we reprimand Colin as he's doing something that he shouldn't, Bella's getting upset. So, we're trying to give her extra love and attention and resuming walks.
  3. Nice!! Except he's 9 months old and would be out of it in a second. Today was really interesting - Bella was nowhere to be found when Colin was napping but when he wokje up, she wanted attention from whomever was paying attention to Colin.
  4. Thanks ladies I appreciate the gentle reminders that I just need to suck it up and find ways to keep her routine and prioritize her over the baby's wishes sometimes I really appreciate that I wasn't bashed over the head with this message - thank you.
  5. Thanks She does get outside in our fenced yard frequently but unfortunately trying to walk with Bella and the stroller (or holding a madly wriggling baby) in the dark is a bit of a disaster. I'm wondering, though, that maybe even a shortened walk where the lighting and sidewalks are ok may help? DH usually gets home at least 1-2 hours after me so no way to divide and conquer until that point. Thanks, Jen - apparently sometimes I just need someone to play Captain Obvious for me and give me a kick in behind (said with the utmost thanks for the post and said kick in the behind to suck it up and deal with the dark and cold and go for a freakin' walk )
  6. Bella is going to be 10 in April, is healthy and sound. No previous issues. We do have a baby but he is now 9 months old. We've made a real point to give Bella as much love and attention as before but she seems to only want it when the baby is around. The last week she peed once and then tonight pooed in the house. Only change to the routine is fewer walks with me right after work because of the cold and dark - typically DH takes her for a walk later in the evenings. Any suggestions?
  7. Oh, fantastic. Just saw this thread so incredible roller coaster in 4 minutes, hugs to all (ESPECIALLY Rachel and Joe) who endured the last 24+ hours.
  8. I would assume my group does it but my girl came off the track in I think Alabama and her spay was done there before coming up to NJ. I know there were a whole bunch of greys that were done at once from copies of Bella's paperwork so obviously it was a grey-savvy vet working with a group of some sort.
  9. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl. Run free Maddie. Hugs to you, Amy.
  10. I realized Bella knows a few words really well - Leave it - first thing we taught her as we lived in NYC at the time and there's all manner of nastiness for a dog to get into OK - opposite of "leave it", as in "ok, you can have that treat". A friend of ours gave her part of a steak one time and she waited until she heard "ok" to take it! Off - to get her to remove herself from furniture Out - out of the kitchen. She has two spots to watch all of the action Bed - to go to her bed when we sit down for dinner Walk, car ride, potty, cookie - these, of course, result in bouncing, play bows and abbreviated zoomies
  11. I have an audience I make Bella stay out of the kitchen, too - she can lie on the hallway runner (soft and cushy) or she can stand next to the island (which technically is *in* the kitchen but she's out of my way and she knows exactly where the invisible line is). Occasionally she gets morsels but the first thing we taught her was "leave it" so she doesn't take anything without an "ok" (due to living in NYC and seeing all manner of things on the street/sidewalk that a dog would like to pick up). We have nights where we have to *remind* her several times to go "out" but she does know what it means.
  12. Im so sorry For what its worth (having been around horses most of my life) your friend did the right, courageous thing by putting Flyer down. She would never know if there was another incident waiting to happen and better to put him down than chance that or sell him and wonder if he was going to go after another horse. Many hugs.
  13. I've been using Get Up & Go supplements for a couple of months after trying several other supplements and noticed a difference quickly. I like that the products are pure with no fillers, dyes, etc. If you give glucosamine, it is only and purely glucosamine powder and nothing else. Our girl is 9 also and is acting spunkier than she was when we adopted her at 5.
  14. I do not receive any benefit from this. You should seriously check out The a Greyhound Gang's store. I had Bella on a couple of different brands of glucosamine and other stuff at the vets recommendation, also more of a proactive thing because of her age, and wasn't really sure it was helping. Within 30 days of starting glucosamine and chondroitin from The Greyhound Gang, Bella had more energy, was doing more zoomies, more interested in walks and generally peppier. There's a 4-pack of supplements including the two we use but she's feeling so good now that I'm holding the rest in reserve. Bella is 9 and I swear she has more energy and zest than when we adopted her as a 5 year old. Contact Claudia - I have been very happy with her products.
  15. Oh, no, no, no! Thank you for sharing George of Noo England with us and thank you for taking such good care of him. Run free sweet boy.
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