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Everything posted by sarabz

  1. Please read the dates and the last few posted - the original post was from several years ago. To the OP - so sorry for your loss. I am impressed by your willingness to have worked through Jesse's issues and keep him in your family. That is not the right choice for everyone but clearly in your case, you had the dedication to learn and train you and your family, not just Jesse.
  2. sarabz

    Guinness Is Gone

    My heart goes out to you - I am so very sorry.
  3. Maggie, I think you are seeing a specialist today... Fingers crossed! I know your at-home tests have been positive so hoping your regular vet was just having a bad hair day
  4. That's a possibility that I never would have thought of!!! Fingers crossed for the original being a misdiagnosis.
  5. Acana here - the Wild Prairie version. I keep looking at this thread title and getting the giggles, thinking of hoomans doing taste-testing of various kibbles to ensure the best for their pups
  6. Many hugs for both of you As others have said, it'll be easier on her than on you, particularly with it being progressive rather than sudden. With walks you may need to keep her on a shorter leash and do more of her seeing for her as far as obstacles, and dog parks may not be an option any more if there are lots of other dogs around but you'll both adapt. Luckily it's not something that affects her general health and life span!
  7. I certainly wouldn't and wouldn't like my group to be doing this as a fundraiser - sounds too sketchy to me. Especially for all of the reasons noted above by 3greytjoys.
  8. We have Bella's crate still (we've had her for 4 years) because she prefers it to sleep in periodically during the day and at night. When we first got her, we crated her (as in, for the first week) with a Kong but quickly discovered she was much happier with the run of the apartment. The more space she had, the less trouble she got into - that is, when she was crated, she'd pull whatever she could reach into her crate and destroy it; when we baby-gated her in the bedroom, she'd shred books, tissues, you name it - when she had the run of the apartment, you'd never have known she was there. Have fun with Allie and welcome! Just one thing - we need pictures - dem's da rulez!
  9. sarabz

    Little Millie

    I am so sorry When I saw this under Remembrance I thought it had to be miscategorized Run free sweet girl.
  10. I'm starting to think introducing a newborn is like any other change for a dog - keep a calm attitude, try to ensure their routine doesn't change completely & drastically, make sure they're getting love & attention and things should be ok.
  11. Bella does this when she wants to get on the sofa, wants loves of just doesn't seem to want to hold her own head up
  12. Bella growled at someone tonight for the first time ever. I took that as a serious warning and didn't think for a moment about correcting her because that was the only way she had to communicate that something was wrong. Growling IS good!!
  13. In the almost 4 years we have had Bella, we've heard her bark twice (other than in her sleep). Once in the first week we had her when the doorbell was rung for the first time; once when a neighbor dog was causing a big ruckus in the hall. Then there was tonight. I was waiting for DH at the train station (we only have the one car so that's the deal) and the guy in front of me was out of his car leaning against his back bumper waiting for someone. Bella perked up upon seeing him, started growling and then let out a big "WOOF!" She continued to growl and bark at him until he met his passenger and drove off, which was just as DH was getting to the car. I take her with me to the train station pretty often and she's never reacted to anyone like that. There didn't seem to be anything particular about him - he was decently dressed, probably mid 20's, Hispanic, clean-shaven - she's seen thousands of men like him. But I got the impression that there was something she didn't like and she was going to protect her mom! :beatheart Thanks Bella dear.
  14. I meant to come back and say that it turns out that a very brave (or very foolish!) rabbit lives somewhere in the neighborhood and has been pooping in our backyard. So, bunny poop, not her own, was the snack of choice. Somewhat better...
  15. We've had Bella almost 4 years and she's more growly when sleeping now than she ever was - it's definitely deep sleep and dreaming for her, both during the day and at night. She has some pretty strong sleep startle responses so she now goes in her crate with the door closed at night (we normally will find her in her crate by choice during the day, too).
  16. We crated the first couple of weeks, then allowed the run of the bedroom, then of the apartment. Turns out Bella got in much less mischief when she had the run of the apartment than the other options. We still have her crate and she chooses it over other places in the house several times a day. We do put her in at night with the door shut as otherwise she is on our bed, sleep startles and wakes us up - we all sleep much better when she is crated. As others have said, time and patience. Work on the gradual alone training but I personally don't understand withholding affection. Not rewarding bad behavior, sure, but not withholding positive affection. After almost 4 years, Bella typically will be wherever DH and I are, especially if we are in the same room. She doesn't need to be on top of us and will let us know if she wants pats and loves, but often it seems that she just wants to be near her people. She is a very confident, secure pup who only had minor SA when we first adopted her, however. Best wishes!!
  17. I find that anything oily on a regular basis gives Bella loose poops and makes her stinky. It wasn't a good trade off for a non-flakey coat.
  18. 3.5 years later and we've moved to a house. Bella now can lounge so many other places that we don't let her up on the living room sofa unless invited because a guest would go to sit down and she'd hop up and take that spot She doesn't seem to care - she seeks out sunny spots elsewhere so it works out well. Bed at night is only occasionally as I am taking up more room and finding it hard to get comfortable due to my pregnancy.
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