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Everything posted by sarabz

  1. Thanks! And yes - stenosis, thanks spellchecker! (The tablet changed it)
  2. X-rays showed minor arthritis in both hips and lumbarsacral syndrome (mild). So our stoic girl has probably been in more discomfort than we thought and now I know it's not my imagination. Starting with some anti-inflammatory meds and going from there.
  3. I have a 15 month old son and found that book to be helpful. Bella pretty much ignored Colin when he was tiny - now she tolerates his petting her, he's been taught to stay off of her bed, and she is loving post meal cleanup.
  4. Thanks all! I've reached out to another vet that I have connections to to schedule an appointment. I'm not looking for miracles or unnecessary testing but just feel that my current vet is being a little *too* relaxed about it without much explanation. I've asked questions about how we would know it was neurological or arthritis or something else and am getting somewhat vague answers that just don't help much. I didn't realize that there are many things that could trigger this so while we may move on to some of the great referrals and suggestions, I think I will try that second opinion first
  5. She has - they actually ran bloodwork when they stitched her paw up a couple of weeks ago
  6. Yes, we've tried several different varieties of oils and different quantities. Even after a few months we were having the stool/gas issues I haven't tried the sardine oil so will try that next. And yeah, I'm not thrilled with our vet - this kind of tops it off.
  7. Bella is 10, for reference. No health issues since we've owned her (other than slicing her paw up a couple of weeks ago and needing stitches!). When do I start to be concerned with hind feet dragging/hind end weakness? Bella had started missing steps with her right hind during the winter, occasionally dragging the top of her foot along the ground for a step. It's starting to happen more frequently, as in every walk. She just had another vet check last week (final foot check & 2 vaccinations) and the vet basically said "she's getting old". The suggestion was made to add fish oil to her diet - unfortunately even small amounts cause horrendous gas and very loose stools, even high grade salmon oil. She's already on MSM, glucosamine, vit. c and chondriotin (via the Greyhound Gang). I haven't had a lot of old dog experience, hence the questions. I've seen the quality of life scale/questionnaire and certainly we are not anywhere close. Her (legendary) appetite is unchanged. No issues with stairs. She has been more demanding of affection lately (since before the paw incident). Quality of life is great, but since I am noticing this happen more, just thinking about what to expect and if there are other ways I can help her, or things to watch for. Thanks!
  8. So I guess I'm confused about how a person would differentiate "sleep barking" versus "sleep startle". If we let Bella sleep on our bed, she definitely sleep startles if she gets nudged. It usually starts as a growl and then is a full-fledged bark, maybe with a snap, and it takes her a few seconds to really wake up and realize where she is and what's going on. She's bitten each of us (not hard enough to break the skin - it was just a piece of us that happened to be near that snap) so we don't let her sleep on our bed anymore for everyone's safety. We have also seen a similar reaction if she is sleeping hard enough on her bed or in her crate and is startled by a noise or someone getting close. She loves to snuggle and is not the least bit space aggressive, and has never been aggressive in any other way.
  9. So is anyone else seeing the sudden upsurge in Blue Buffalo commercials touting their no-byproduct ingredients? No acknowledgement of the lawsuit.
  10. I'm saddened by yet another example of profit over ethics
  11. Big, beautiful, bouncing, barking Bonny. My heart goes out to all of you.
  12. What a wonderful tribute to your boy.
  13. Oh, that is VERY clever!! Her elbow is actually looking ok. It stopped oozing, she's leaving it alone and moving ok without breaking it open again so I'm leaving it to heal. Of course lots of checking on it and using antibiotic ointment to keep it soft and infection-free. The baby sock worked on her paw last night and she's moving much better today. My concern there of course is infection so will be attempting to keep that wrapped up and medicated a little longer. Really appreciate the help. I should have been less lazy and tried a better search but of course you can't search GT for "paw" as it's three letters.
  14. Bella took a spill on ice this am and banged herself up, poor girl. I cannot get a bandage to stay on, so need suggestions. She also took off a lot of skin between two toes and keeps pulling off the bandage, even if we put a boot on it. Thanks in advance. http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc415/sarabz76/IMAG0165_1.jpg[\img] Eta - having issues posting the image from my phone.
  15. Hi and welcome from a former NYC-er! We lived in midtown Manhattan with our Bella for about 3 1/2 years (and another several pre-Bella).
  16. I have an almost 10 month old and he is never, ever allowed on Bella's bed or crate. She will sometimes growl at him if he gets close to her but we are very, very careful to not let him invade her space if she is in one of those two spots. If she is lounging elsewhere we try not to let him get close but we are also teaching her (as we have for many years) that the spots that are truly hers where she is not disturbed are her bed and crate. She has other spots in the house where she can go, too.
  17. Things are improving - we're making sure to give her lots of extra affection and time with us without him and things are better
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