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Everything posted by BatterseaBrindl

  1. Yup...Traumeel is most certainly available here. I have it in drops, as well as a cream. Use it on both horses and dogs.
  2. Oh poor Bumper. And your poor pocketbook. I'd be fighting to get some of my $$$ back from that vet.
  3. Hullo from Ontario! LOVE Gabby's ears!! I'd give her at least 6 months to really get the hang of retired life. It took Nixon at least 6 months to really blossom. We got Ruby last August and she's adjusted really well. Having Nixon here really helped her a lot. And then, adding Nigel in mid-December put yet another change into both their lives. Nigel changes weekly...he's so much more confident now than he was a month ago.
  4. Words cannot express my sorrow for the loss of your 'Nut. Run Free beautiful girl
  5. Nixon is cold when our house is 68...he wears his fleece jammies pretty much 24/7. He will wake me up if he is cold. Do you have a little coat you can put on Diago?
  6. So sorry for your loss. Hearty was a real trouper. Run free Hearty... Go find my Wally and Kelsey...they were both wonderful TB's too.
  7. Our last Dobe was crated when we were gone and the other 2 were loose and we had no issues at all. However... that dog really loved her crate. Both Ruby & Nigel were bounces and came to us with 'SA/crate issues' so I did not even set up the crate for them. We have a very large dog-proof mud room that we can babygate dogs(s) into. Neither Ruby or Nigel had had any issues at all once they were here, and we really did not need to keep either of them 'locked' up in the mud room. I think they were just so glad to have a home with another hound that they forgot to be anxious! Can you put Tipton in his crate and babygate leave Duncan in the same room? Hopefully Tipton's anxiety will disappear once Duncan is home and neither will need the crate..
  8. BatterseaBrindl


    So sorry for the loss of Skipper. Remember the good times....
  9. What a handsome hound! Yes...he could be cold....try some jammies - or as someone else said just a t-shirt tied up in back so it doesn't drag on the ground. My hounds all wear little fleece coats, as did our Dobies. If this does not work...just be patient and do not give in. As hard as it is...ignore the behaviour. Do not speak or even acknowledge him. During the day you could work on the 'Go lie down' command. My guys all know this phrase and if they stir too early in the morning, I now just have to tell them 'go lie down'. Do keep in mind that everything about your home and routine are new to him. It will take him another couple of months to really settle in. And....Thanks for taking him in!
  10. Everything in your world sounds just about perfect!! Congratulations!
  11. So very sorry to hear that Saint has gone to the Bridge. The loving face of a gentle friend will never be forgotten...remember the good times.
  12. I have to agree with George...she IS dispaying signs of a UTI.
  13. I agree! Just ignore him. Don't say a word. Don't even look at him. That is acknowledging his bad behavior. Just ignore him. We've 'been there, done that' with more than one dog ....and I know how hard this is to do. Please.... be patient.
  14. We've had a couple of dogs over he years that liked to get up in the middle of the night - for no apparent reason than to bother us. They got a very firm "Go lie down". It might take a week...which will seem like a month...but if you're consistent, things should improve. We're currently dealing with Nigel (new to us 6 weeks ago) barking in the late afternoon for no reason. It is very hard to ignore him, but we do. No correcting him at all...just ignoring him. Yes ... it is very noisy, but even in just the past two days we have seen a tremendous improvement. Patience is a virtue!
  15. I am so very sorry for the loss of your handsome boy. Run free Stormie... and find your friend.
  16. Is it itchy? Hot? Flaky? I'd just put a little CS/Aloe on it and keep an eye on it.
  17. I think he looks fine, too but agree that it certainly wouldn't hurt to give him a de-wormer.
  18. Glad to read a somewhat positive update. Now...get some rest Janet!!!
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