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Everything posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. Handsome and kind to kids and kitties -- wonderful combination!
  2. Welcome to you and your beautiful Jersey Girl. Actually, there are many, many, many perfect greyhounds. It just gets more fun with two.
  3. Milo has been here since February and was put on the "nothing in life is free" regimen on day one. He doesn't pull stuff with me -- he's just started the last month with the other dogs. I've tried telling Romie that he needs to discipline Milo more consistently. Now that I think about it -- I don't hear any bed arguments at night. ????
  4. First, Milo started barking and growling at the other dogs when he was next to me on the sofa to keep them away. I ordered him off, and that seems to have fixed that specific issue. But now Milo has started taking over the other dogs' sleeping places the minute they get up. Or dashing in front of them when he sees them heading toward one of their favorite beds. Nutmeg gets whiny and upset; Romie usually moves to another spot but occasionally chases Milo off with a lot of barking and teeth display. I'm usually a "let them sort it out" philosopher, but I'm afraid this might escalate.
  5. My first grey had similar car problems. Sometimes she'd throw up, instead. We acclimated her with the method reported by a_daerr. We didn't use anti-anxiety medicine; just dog biscuits. It helped that she was extremely food motivated. After she was relatively ok in the drive-around-the-block stage, we progressed to the very-short-drive-to-somewhere-fun stage. Then gradually longer. Soon, she was tolerating rides well. She was never an enthusiastic car passenger, but she willingly hopped in and didn't have diarrhea anymore. We even took numerous long trips. Good luck with your boy.
  6. Sending best wishes for your boy. Hope you've both been able to rest.
  7. Greyt news about responding well to the lidocaine. All paws crossed here and sending
  8. Keeping all paws crossed here for your girl. (And sending cyber bandaids to your wife. Scary!)
  9. Krissy, I am so sorry. She was a more than special girl. I'm glad her spirit came back to snuggle with you. Adding our best wishes for Kyle. How's he doing today?
  10. Our sympathies to Mandy's family and her host of friends. She'll never be alone now.
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