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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. I was also going to recommend baby oil. How's the patient doing?
  2. When I've had to put a baby sock on Bu, I just put it on and it stays on. I don't use anything else.
  3. Thankfully, this seems to be Bu's only OCD issue. It's odd seeing a dog obsessively lick his own chest. To be honest, until I saw it, I didn't know they could do it.
  4. Is Bee Wiseman a bit obsessed? Bu seems to be. If I tell him to stop, he does, but he gives me a nasty look.
  5. Bu has recently started to lick his tags that hang off his tag collar. At first I thought he was licking his chest, but I really do think it's the tags. He has 4-5 metal and 1 plastic tag and he just sits there and licks them. It's really weird. He also seems to be licking the couch, me and other things more often. The tags are most often though and if we're watching TV he'll sit there and just lick. What is going on with him?
  6. Is it bad that I just let the vet take him out and get the sample? They don't seem to mind.
  7. Try to keep his nails short, especially his dew claws. The other thing I like are k9 voyager boots. They help prevent the injuries and if he does get an injury it will keep him from licking it. My link Otherwise, if it's a small wound as long as it looks clean I leave it alone.
  8. I use the preventic collar and I am very happy with it. (I use this because I was told he was sensitive to frontline and I'm not going to risk it. I saw the scab the frontline left.)
  9. The foster is on TOTW Pacific stream (fish based). He is allergic to chicken.
  10. I have this awesome foster that has had health issue after health issue. A couple weeks ago he got a bladder infection which we treated. I brought him back to the vet yesterday for a different issue and they took a follow up urine sample. I got a message from the vet today saying that last time his ph was high and they thought it was from the infection, but it's still high and he now has crystals, but no infection. She said he probably needs to be on a prescription diet. What could cause the crystals and what does the issue mean long term?
  11. Have they checked for LP (larengial paralysis (sp?))?
  12. I don't know if it's ok for a dog with renal issues, but if he's a picky eater is should help with that.
  13. Bu had diarrhea issues for over a year when I got him. We tried 2 prescription foods that were supposed to help and didn't. Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream is what worked for him. I'm glad you found something that helps.
  14. No advice as to the wound care, but what about a pair of boxers with that leg sewn shut at the bottom or even just open? I know when my boy had a thing removed from his thigh that the boxers stayed on well and seemed comfortable to him. They aren't going to be as easy to put on him because he'll have to lift his back leg up, but you can probably get them most of the way on while he's lying down.
  15. Could you do the restraining next time instead of a vet tech? Usually at the vet if Bu needs to be held still I hold his head and talk to him which I think helps keep him calm. That way she isn't feeling threatened by strangers.
  16. Why was she restrained? When we go in the vet pets Bu then just pinches and vaccinates and he's never had a problem. eta: I would switch vets. Restraining my dog when she was previously comfortable in the environment would make me very uncomfortable.
  17. What about pepcid for her belly? Tuna, sardines, cottage cheese and parmesan cheese may get her eating. Oh and raw green tripe.
  18. I fed that before TOTW PS and it wasn't great for Bu's poop but it was better than the 7 or 8 foods we tried before that. Other than that I was pretty happy. I totally love TOTW though and I feed the fish based formula in that as well.
  19. My boy has been on revolution for 2 years with no ill affects. Maybe your guy is super sensitive.
  20. I would wait until she's recovered to give her the vaccines. You don't want any reactions. Personally I would probably start vaccines up again after a few months or up to a year. If you don't vaccinate, you won't want to bring her to the dog park.
  21. Has he tested for Lymes disease? Has he looked at the shoulder? Has he checked for corns? If your vet can't figure it out, I'd go to a specialist.
  22. My foster has something that looks just like that is a histiocytoma (sp?). It's a histamine reaction and harmless. I would still bring Dixie to the vet because it could be something completely different.
  23. My boy has been known for having a sensitive belly so I try to avoid any more upset than I need to, but I'll work some skin in and see how he does. I actually think it was the heart that disgusted him. He also wasn't a fan of the liver, but my cat ate it before I could try to convince Bu to eat it. I'll probably just cut it into smaller pieces and let the cat have it (the cutting it up is so I can give him little bits until he's used to it).
  24. He has no problem eating bite sized pieces of the raw chicken from my hand and a bit from the bowl, so I guess I'll just keep giving it to him like that until he gets a bit more into and slowly up the size of the pieces. I'll try just sprinkling some parm on it to see if that helps. I barely cook for me, so I'd prefer not to cook for him. The chicken falls right off the bone, so I've just been pulling stuff off since he's not eating big chunks. Thank you. I can get ground beef from a client for $1.00 a pound so I usually just stick with that and tripe, but since I saw this on sale, I figured why not.
  25. When I'm walking any dog and there's ice or snow on the ground and they start limping, I take their paws and rub between the pads. That generally works. They get snow or ice in there and it bothers them so they limp. If that doesn't work it could be corns or something else and should be checked by a vet.
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