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Everything posted by FiveRoooooers

  1. Update in post #1. Now awaiting results of Punkin's procedure.
  2. That is the perfect response and reaction! Must.Remember.This. Thanks for the good wishes!
  3. I love that purple porcupine A most excellent first go, young man, and mum's report sounds very encouraging Both my horses and dogs have received AP and the results for each of them were well worth the effort. Hope the same for dear Buddy!
  4. The flannel housecoats made by Houndtime (above) don’t have legs but my campers have been wearing them for years and they have been just right for our winters.
  5. Mark Well, our orchard trip was a bust - tiny, overpriced apples and not much variety - but we will try again elsewhere as the season progresses. We did stop at the reliable maple syrup stand a few towns over and they had punkins pumpkins and delicious tomatoes and corn We also discovered a new trail system and took a quite long walk led by our experienced and enthusiastic leader Punkin, with reluctant AnnIE following, looking for someone to pet her It was beautiful weather for the girls' Gotcha Day "party" This week I met a new neighbor whom I thought was quite friendly and welcoming. She was at the transfer station and the campers were with me: "They're funny looking." Did you really just say that? She tried to backpedal but yeah no, no coffee date with you! AnnIE did get some pets from the folks at the transfer station so she was happy.
  6. This is very helpful, thank you. Punkin isn't in distress, she's not leaking and hasn't had any accidents in the house, so it doesn't seem a critical emergency but obvs her issue hasn't resolved and we will get her in ASAP. The clinic is an hour away and the timing may be tricky but we'll get it done. They aren't scheduling appts until October but I can call on "the day of" [what works for us] and see if they can get us into one of their reserve appts. I missed today and I can't do it tomorrow but will try the rest of the week Thank you! House of Duck, Canadian Oldies, Flizzie
  7. Punkin's follow-up with a first-catch urine sample showed persistent bacteria. The clinic sent me the lab results which don't seem comprehensive but Ii they were simply checking just for blood/bacteria could that explain the lack of values? Before starting Punkin on another course of abx, they want to do a cystocentesis to be sure that we are on the right track as to the specific bacteria she has. I understand that they'll use an ultrasound to guide the needle to the bladder. What else do I need to know/ask?: How painful is it? How often does infection occur at the site? If Punkin is cooperative, will she need to be anesthetized? Since her previous, first dose of abx there have not been any accidents in the house and I haven't seen any blood. I don't believe she is going more frequently nor drinking excessive amounts of water, although she drinks quite a bit and is a dog who is typically warm - are these related? I've been attributing some of her panting to pain that we are trying to address but could it also be that she is warm? Her temp is normal. I am on the fence about the cystocentesis but will do it if we need to. I may also ask for another full blood panel, I know that we ran something prior to her recent dental but can't recall how comprehensive it was. Thank you for any thoughts. Update 9/20/23: Punkin was seen this morning for bloodwork and her cystocentesis. It took longer for us to make the appt, get ready, drive to the clinic then wait for our doc than the procedure itself took (5’ !). The culture results should be back in about a week. AnnIE, helpful and supportive as usual Our (very pregnant) tech was loving on AnnIE and asked what is her name. When I told her Ann-I-E, she looked up slowly and said “Whaaattt??” Update 9/22: All Normal
  8. Other than the howling wind, it's a quiet Gotcha Day. We did get a nice long Wiki Walkie just after o'dark o'early o'clock this ayem and that will have to do until one more sleep. (Will there be any apples still attached to trees? oy) Thanks everyone for the Gotcha wishes and worryings about us
  9. Nooo dinos Doolin, you are indeed a varygoodboi Willa, you keep on kickin' butt, girl. We are delighted that you are doing soo well! A beech house? Yay, another road trip for everyone!!
  10. It’s actually tomorrow but given the delightful weather heading our way and the inevitable power loss, I thought I’d post tonight. It’s AnnIE and Punkin’s 5th Gotcha Day What a ride it has been so far! With senior angel Dottie, these two pixies snuck in as young’uns and are now looking soon at 11 and 12. Where does the time go (Eva). Sunday is Apple Day up here and we’ll take a ride for treats and hopefully get AnnIE some pats, Punkin is good with just sniffin Happy Gotcha Day, girlies
  11. Sorry, my bad! Sadly, there is nothing to report. Knot one kidlet, knot one at all Butt, it was knot a total loss as the library staff and a patron spent considerable time with AnnIE in their laps. AnnIE did alright and mom didn't have to read The lieberry direktor is ramping up publicity so hopefully there is a more better turnout next time. AnnIE: Mom? We coulda skipped my sponge bath!
  12. Totally doable. My angel Aiden (Aiden 1-4) lost a weight-bearing toe from each front foot and had a sprung toe on a hind foot. These weren't the issues that called him to the Bridge (two years ago tomorrow ) and Tony should do just fine without those wonky toes. Good luck, and please let us know how he does.
  13. Milo and Gelsey, tell your human that she is KNOT doin' it rite KNOT even close!
  14. Hmm, Willa, some of that stuff we could have done without , BUTT you, young lady, are *amazing*! Happy Gotcha Day, Willa
  15. Ducky, I just received the faulty leash that started this convo and will mail it to you this week.
  16. I am so sorry your good Buddy has received his wings. Rest well young man.
  17. Congrats on your new, gorgeous girl! Those ears and her expression, she’s going to be a handful of fun! Please pop back in with more pics!
  18. These girl dogs are such speshul snowflakes. My boys would have been all over that delivery like white on rice I need a boy dog/s Doin’ it rite
  19. And the box is for the campers. Apparently napping takes priority. Weirdos
  20. Best doggo mom! I've read that you can put a toddler sock on underneath the boot, maybe that would help.
  21. Excellent song choice! We are also all so proud of you Willa Kicking butt, knot takin' names (Good boi, Doooo!!)
  22. You're doing everything you can. Keep us posted
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