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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. I had a 5AM conference call this morning. Mark and LaVida would much rather have me go to an office somewhere else. Anywhere else...
  2. This could well be the case. Back when we first heard of the Prison Protocol, most of the other products out there were not working to combat the hooks that the hounds were coming off the track with. It may just not be strong enough or may not contain the ingredient that works best to combat those hooks that have come from the farms and tracks with the dogs. Those hooks have grown more resistant to every treatment over time. I'm hoping that now that our hounds are completely negative, Interceptor is enough for anything they may encounter in the wild. (aka the sidewalks of our neighborhood).
  3. The first time Val came bouncing through our door with Conner, she went around introduced herselt to everyone. And did it again, and again and again. Val's nickname was "50 First Dates," because it was like she was introducing herself every time she saw you. She and Conner stayed here a few times and Val always had a blast. She loved laying in the backyard and playing out there. Rocket also stayed with Conner and Val and they were all good friends. We absolutely loved Val and will miss her. The hounds that have arrived here since Rocket left didn't get to meet Val due to Covid restrictions, so it's pretty much the end of an era with Val being the last of "the gang." Run-free Val, and don't let Conner and Rocket (aka Statler and Waldorf) give you a hard time up there.
  4. I think it was whipworms that Rocket picked up when we lived in IL. We were out walking at night and when I used the flashlight to pick up after him, the little buggers were waving at me. Had it not been night time with a flashlight, I'm not sure I would have seen them. At that point, Interceptor was in that period where it was off the market and we were using something else for a monthly. I think we knocked those out with a dose of Drontal Plus at the time.
  5. At a month later, I'd talk to your vet and see if there might be some medication that will help to reduce his anxiety. You might also try some CBD to start if it's legal where you are and see if it helps. Until the anxiety isunder control, I'm not sure any kind of re-training is going to help. We've known a few dogs who were just a wreck due to fireworks, including one back in IL who would literally shake for months after the 4th and other similar holidays. He did have to be medicated. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
  6. Dos Tacos posted a while back under a new account name. It has been a while though. Hopefully he is lurking here and will see this. I just searched and he was posting underthe name Twogirls, but his last post here was last October.
  7. We had a member here in past years named Brooke who became ill and trained her greyhound DeeDee as a service dog. I have not seen her post here in many years, so I'm not sure if she is still posting online or not. You may be able to reach her through her YouTube Channel which shows the progression of Dee Dee's life as a service dog. At this point DeeDee has probably gone to The Bridge, so I don't know if her next Service Dog was another greyhound or not. I'm not sure if there is anyone still here who knows Brooke, as many people migreated to other social media venues over the years. This is the 1st episode of DeeDee's YouTube series.
  8. How far apart were the 3 negatives? 3 in a row is fantastic as long as there was some amount of time between them. Definitely stop the Drontal Plus at this point. No need to use it with 3 negatives. We haven't tried the Simparica. We switched to Interceptor for the monthly after hooks were gone and never had any more issues with the hooks once each hound was clear, but getting them clear took between 6 months and a year for each hound. We stuck with Interceptor after it came back on the market, as our experience with the original version of Interceptor was very good, and we never had any dog have much in the way of a reaction to it. LaVida and Petunia both reacted with a day of hyperactivity (for a greyhound) on the day they took the Interceptor, but other than that there was no stomach upset or any other issues with it.
  9. Turkey burger sounds pretty good right now. Good werk Wiki. You should be served instead of having to hunt for your food anyway.
  10. We've been missing a good Milo story lately. Hang in there, Milo.
  11. LaVida - Watching QVC Mark - Taken yesterday, but the view still hasn't changed.
  12. Yup. Just realized that today would have been her 14th birthday. I'm sure there's a big party at the Bridge tonight.
  13. We do have the lick mats and the snuffle mats. Both dogs like and use them. The lick mats are a big hit with some peanut butter on them.
  14. Grain-free is controversial due to it's possible association with heart problems. Our vet says no to grain free foods. Others here are more knowledgeable about that and will chime-in. We have had all of our hounds on Purina Pro Plan Large Breed and they have thrived on it. We do add Olewo Carrots to it to firm things up but the need for that really varies from dog to dog. Every dog we have had for the past several years had had hookworms and I;m assuming some stomach damage from those hookworms, so the carrots just seem to help. https://www.chewy.com/purina-pro-plan-adult-large-breed/dp/52455 We laso occasionally mix it with Purina Pro Plan Sensitive stomach Salmon based food just to give the dogs a little variety. The dogs become bunny soft a few days after mixing in the salmon based food. I do know that several other here have use the same food and eliminated any stomach issues their dogs were having. There are also owners here using the IAMS green bag and have used it successfully for years. At the end of the day, its not so much about which food is in favor, but which food actually works well for your dogs. Good luck
  15. Kong Wobbler. They have to push it around it to dispense the treats, so you may need to wait until the paw is healed. I always said that Rocket had an Engineering Degree as the first time he used the Wobbler, he picked it up, carried it to slumber ball, and used the bumps and lumps in the bed to push it around and empty the Wobbler. He did it that way every time.
  16. She had the worst case of hooks that I've ever seen. How that poor girl didn't end up bleeding out long before we had her here I will never know. She was tough! I do miss my Petunia.
  17. We had that positive antigen result with Petunia several times and then it magically changed to a clean test. It took a lot of time, but even with this result Wiki has to be feeling much better. Paws crossed for a clean test from here on out.
  18. Dogs were working hard to get hose fries. I can't believe I actually got a few pics that almost worked.
  19. OKAY! Bad parent here. Due to vet appointments, fecal tests and a heat wave that was massive even for the desert, Mark and LaVida finally got their french fries last night. Enjoy! Please excuse my shoe or leg if it appears in the picture. I was trying to balance the fries on a plate and operate the camera while frenzied hounds tried to get the plate. "Hello Father. Are those for us?"
  20. LaVida has become a rock collector. Like your yard, ours is all rock here inthe desert. She sneaks a rock in when we aren't looking, only to find it later in a dog bed. She doesn't appear to be chewing them, they are more like highly valued prizes. She also collects big pieces of hardwood mulch from a raised planter outside. We've been watching for both, and when we see it we give the Drop It command. She still manages to sneak one by us occasionally.
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