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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Mark goes out between 2 and 3AM to make sure the sky is still up there. At least I guess that's what he's looking at. But you didn't call DIBS!
  2. Definitely x-ray time at his age. Hopefully it's just from the corn but with the added swelling a vet exam with an x-ray is the only way to know for sure. Our LaVida started randomly limping one day but continued to run, jump etc like nothing was wrong. We did an x-ray the next day and it was Osteo. There was no sign that anyhting was wrong until the limp started, so we are always safe rather than sorry when we see a limp start. Hope it;s nothing and Blue is back to his old self soon.
  3. You have no way of knowing what's going on with the teeth and bone under the gums without anesthesia and xrays. Scaling tartar is okay if the dog can tolerate it, but many cant. It's also not a replacement for a real dental check exam and cleaning. Doing those while your dog is young enough will help avoid having to put him under in his senior years to deal with problems that weren't caught due to the lack of real dental care.
  4. Pretty girl, Myka! You know, we might need some broodie pics here too. (hint hint)
  5. He had more fries tonight. In the name of science, of course.
  6. https://newatlas.com/medical/cancer-vaccine-dogs-doubles-survival-rates-clinical-trial/
  7. Mark says "thank you" to all of the enablers here. He had his fries tonight! None fell out where teeth are missing.
  8. No fries yet. I wanted to give his gums plenty of time to heal and also figured that salt on the fries may burn a little if he had them too soon. He has been getting the soft peanut butter treats that were mentioned above and those are perfect for now. I will give him a little more time before we have fries just to be safe. He is doing great though, and obviously feels way better than he did before the dental.
  9. All of these are good. We've had success with both EMT Gel and DermaGel
  10. 8:30 AM AZ Time - Mark had a quiet night. He slept until about 2:00AM. I stayed up until 1:00 AM but couldn't get him interested in drinking water or going outside, so I went to bed. Not long after I was asleep, I heard activity on the baby monitor greyhound monitor. He was up and around, so he had some Evanger's Magic Chicken and went outside. About a half hour after that I heard him at the water bowl. I got him all tucked back in at about 2:45 and other than changing rooms during the night he slept. Chris found him sleeping in his man cave this morning - aka the guest room. He had more magic chicken this morning and is now having his after breakfast nap. I bought the baby monitor when LaVida started limping so that I would know when she was up during the night. It has come in handy several times now when I needed to know that one of the hounds was up or needed to go outside during the night. Well worth 20 bucks!
  11. Thanks for this. We use the soft chicken milk bone treats but I think they will be too dense for a while. I've ordered the Bil-Jac treats.
  12. Still waiting to hear from the vet once surgery is complete. We haven't had an update since the one in the first post which is rapidly coming up on 2 hours ago. We are baknforfing.
  13. Gracie was KNOT happy when he left the house this morning. Apparently she's gotten pretty attached to her new brother. She keeps going to the front door to look for the car. Mark is expected to lose a couple of questionable teeth - so please keep paws crossed for him. Hopefully that's all that he needs. We know that he only chews on one side but never really shows that there's any pain. For those asking - this morning's update is on the second page of posts. He's doing great today. Last UPDATE for the evening 6:20 PM AZ Time. Mark is home and walked into the house under his own power. He was really panting, so we aimed a fan at his bed and over the past 20-30 minutes the panting has all but stopped. He is very awake for just having had anesthesia. Usually the hounds crash almost as fast as they lay down when they get home after anesthesia. He looks good and seems to be doing well. Just a little bit of bleeding at the moment. Latest UPDATE - 3:15 PM AZ Time - Mark lost a total of 11 teeth. 4 were loose and the rest had a great deal of bone loss and needed to be removed. He is in recovery and doing well. I should note that his pre-dental labs showed him to be the healthiest greyhound we've ever had because his labs were all PERFECT! He will be home in a couple of hours. I may not have anything to update until the morning given how late his surgery went. Previous UPDATE - 1:00 PM Arizona Time - Based on the x-rays our poor boy is going to lose about 10 toofers - 5 on each side - mostly small teeth. I feel bad because there has been no indication that he had any pain. He eats everything you put in front of him. We had noticed that harder treats like Milk Bones were only being chewed on one side of his mouth which is why he went in for the dental.
  14. Sounds like Max is watching over you and brought you Steve. I can't see the pictures on the link provided but will try again later.
  15. Even Apple states in all of their literature not to use an Air Tag for pet tracking. They know the limitations of doing so. We used whaterver the first 2 generations of Whistle were (before they were called Whistle.) They worked well until they didn't. At that time the company was bought out and the change over to Whistle was not handled well. The old trackers pretty much stopped working and weren't reliable, and most of us who used those first two generations walked away. I'm glad to hear that things have turned around and that you are getting reliable service from them again. Our current hounds don't get far enough away from a food bowl or dog bed to need tracking.
  16. Rocket was the only hound we had with good teeth. He would get some plaque buildup and require cleaning/scaling, but he never lost a tooth and his dentals were little more than cleaning. Many of the others more than made up for that. Gracie just had a dental and lost two teeth. Mark has a dental next week and is expected to lose a few that have been questionable for a while. Way to go, Gelsey!
  17. Face, Mark says there should be a second bed there. He is an expert at the two bed method. Looking good, buddy.
  18. AnnIE - you look mahvelous! I like the story you told in the car too.
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