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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Petunia used to carry a few pieces of kibble into the living room at a time and do the same thing. We never figured out why although eventually she would only eat if her dish was served in the living room, on the floor - no raised feeder. If the dish didn't have something special like shakey cheese, cottage cheese or another treat on top, she would walk away until it met her expectations. Not that she was spoiled. The poor girl raised more than the 23 pups that we know of before she came from the farm and landed at our house. She deserved and got anything she wanted for that reason. I miss my demanding broodie girl.
  2. We can do without power etc., but don't mess with our ability to make coffee. We have multiple ways to make coffee in this house that don't involve the coffeemaker, just in case.
  3. We loved Bill. I think we may have the same thing with Mark eventually. He ignores me when I feed the others and will only eat for Chris. I can get him to eat if I add some wet food to his meal, but I have to let him taste the food in the can first. He will run right to food bowl for his Mom, but not me. It's all about the game... Milo is just waiting to see if there's a better offer, like Mark.
  4. Odin, looking handsome as always! Happy Hanukkah!
  5. The Petsmart near us usually has big baskets of dog toys with holiday themes around the store. They are usually mixed, so you you may end up digging through baskets to find some large toys. The hedgehog in the picture was won or bought at a recent group picnic which is why I wasn't sure of it's exact source. Happy Hedgehog Hunting!
  6. The hedgehog is about 15 inches long from the back to the tip of the nose. On the bottom it has the year 2020 and a snowflake embroidered on it which makes me think it's probably from Petsmart or similar as part of the Christmas Toys they always sell for the season. The tag can still be read and the toy is from Pacific Coast Distributing, Phoenix AZ. which is located a tt he same address at PetSmart Corporate Offices. I'd say try PetSmart.
  7. Lavida would like to remind everyone that there are 15 shopping days left before Christmas. (More or less depending on your time zone) That's why she put on a Christmas Collar this morning.
  8. No - this isn't in the wrong category. As noted in our Black Fruday post, the soundbar on our TV croaked so we caught a very good Black Friday sale on a Polk Audio Soundbar. I've been fighting RSV for over 2 weeks and finally felt good enough yesterday to install the new soundbar, This one has a subwoofer which the old one lacked. Lavida gives the subwoofer next to her bed 4 Paws Up!
  9. Seems like this was just last week. I remember all of us tracking the progress as this happened and the excitement of it all, as well as following Whisley and Lily's adventures with you. We all miss them.
  10. All the time. Mark is so stealthy that I never see him go from one place to the other, and he can be laying on a bed near me and I will still ask where he is. The boy does not make a sound unless he decided to talk.
  11. Yay for no side effects! You're doing great, Milo!
  12. With 3 dogs here now we have no lack of it. We have Cash For Gold places on every corner but no Cash For Poop places. We also bag it and it goes into the regular trash collection. For the stuff that can't be bagged we just hose it down until it's gone. We are fortunate that we can leave the hose on year-round, but when we lived in the snow belt I would just take a bucket of hot water from the faucet and wash down anything that couldn't be picked up.
  13. This segment was really well done. I was impressed with the way they presented everything.
  14. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dog-cancer-trials-comparative-oncology-60-minutes-2022-11-27/
  15. He is one handsome dude! Happy Gotcha Day Mr. Mooney!
  16. I miss that boy so much! I'm pretty sure we all do.
  17. Run-free, Hada. We've always loved seeing your pictures and hearing about you since you arrived at Ducky's house.
  18. Happy Thanksgiving! We need the other pic too. You know which one.
  19. I'm so sorry, Ducky. She had the best part of her life with you. Run-free Georgie Girl.
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