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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Glad to hear that Jimmy's home already. 4 boots....unbelievable. You really should feed that boy.
  2. Looks like something I would probably try Bag Balm on. Might need a sock over it to keep her from licking the Bag Balm. I'm assuming that it's a corn, but those who have more experience with them may have a better solution.
  3. Just seeing the update from yesterday. PM'ing you with my cell number if we can help. We are around all weekend and next week.
  4. Ruby gave a warning that she wasn't comfortable with something. Maybe she felt ganged up on with 2 of them there. Was one standing over her? If so, that can be perceived as a threat. Since there is something she isn't comfortable with, a good course of action is to use the same rule that we use with Rocket., which is no petting unless he's standing up. Rocket startles when laying down, and is sometimes protective of his space. Once we figured it out, we only pet him when he's standing,. That way we know he's completely awake, and no one gets growled at or bitten. It also allows him to walk away if he doesn't want to be petted. It's a good idea to reinforce the rule with visitors anytime they enter. We had someone get bitten who knew not to pet him on his bed, but forgot about it until it was too late.
  5. i wouldn't give bones to any dog unsupervised. I would look for a better quality chew toy so there's no chance of splintering as there is with a bone or rawhide.
  6. The 2 mistakes made by your child are most likely the only reason for his behavior. Granted, the toy wasn't his, but him knowing that he can't take things from certain areas comes with time and training. If no one was there to correct him as he was taking it, then the opportunity to correct the behavior for that incident is lost. By taking what was essentially "his" toy at that time, he reacted and tried to give a warning. Our dog Rocket is the biggest Mama and Daddy's boy you'll ever meet, and he goes out of his way to be petted by kids. He also has some sleep aggression and space aggression. We instituted a no petting rule unless he is standing up. This avoids him being petted by someone (including us) and having him be accidentally startled or feel the need to protect his space or his bed. He has bitten twice (me once) and both times I can say that the human made the mistake. Greys often sleep with their eyes open, and both times he was startled by being touched while on his bed. No problems since we started obeying our own rule. If you enforce No Petting unless he's standing up, and no touching his bed or items on his bed while he's on it, you will avoid 99% of the problems. The rest comes with training, and you should also be teaching him that Nothing in Life is Free (NLIF - search it here on (GreytTalk). You should also search "sleep aggression" and "space aggression" on the forums and you will see many similar experiences with great advice by others. Others will chime in with a variety of experiences and advice, but it sounds like it;s a matter of adjustment and training for all. Good luck!
  7. Congratulations! They are very handsome boys. Also, welcome to GreyTalk.
  8. Feel better soon, Hero. Paws crossed here that it's nothing serious.
  9. Yup - the after-pee, after-poo happy dance......I know it well......
  10. He won't starve if you wait, but he might be a cranky traveler. We usually try to keep Rocket on his schedule when traveling. Since his routine is to go to sleep for an hour or two after a meal, it works well for us to keep the routine going when traveling. You could always give him some snacks to hold him over until you get there, but if he is really into his routine, you might have a more peaceful trip by stopping to feed him. No problems from an empty tummy that way either.
  11. Are you leaving the TV or Radio on when you leave? Most of the racing kennels have the radio or TV on to keep some noise going. This might help a great deal if it is "too quiet" for him when you're gone. He is new to everything that is going on, he will get better once he has the routine down.
  12. See - if you had given him some treats the poor boy wouldn't have to eat squeakers..... Feel better Joe. I wouldn't sweat it unless he seems to have problems. We heard that same crunch, crunch,crunch when Rocket got his first (and only) Screaming Monkey.
  13. I can't believe that it's been a year. I really miss the Pimpmaster's posts. Am I thinking correctly that there was a video of Gus being vacuumed? Pimpmaster G, this is for you. I can't hear your name without thinking of this song, or hear this song without thinking of you.
  14. A beautiful tribute for Jack. We are so sorry for your loss. Run pain-free Jack.
  15. We are so sorry for your loss. Sounds like he knew where his home was before everyone else did. Run free Rocky.
  16. You might try searching the old COSTCO threads. I think someone previously posted the name of the company maunfacturing the COSTCO foods and that it was similar to some of that manufacturer's name brand products. I'm thinking that Diamond was the manufactuerer, but don't take my word for it as I didn't follow the thread all that closely. No COSTCO here in the cornfields either.
  17. Try a little bit of gatorade in the water. WhenRocket was sick and not drinking, he practically emptied the bowl when I put Gatorade in with the water. He has a sweet tooth. While it's not something you want to add long term, it may make her go to the bowl and drink. I initially mixed Gatorade and Water 50/50 when he was pretty dehydrated, but cut it back over time until I no longer needed to add it.
  18. She is gorgeous. When she appeared on the GPA website i told DW we should go met her as a potential 2nd pup. All of the pups from that haul were adopted FAST! Congratulations. Hopefully we will get to meet Goldie at an event or at the Greyhound Resort sometime.
  19. I think the translation is "Mom likes me best....nah nah nah nahhhh nah nah.......
  20. Hopefully someone has the picture of the pup who was wearing a bra when the owner got home...... Lock your underwear drawer.... Repeated correction over time will help your pup learn what belongs to them and what doesn't. Sounds like a prime candidate for lots of stuffed toys! We have here. Where are the of your new hoarder pup??? Sounds like you are in for some fun!
  21. Bag Balm or Musher's Secret. Both work well.
  22. Good thoughts for Beth that it's something minor.
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