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Everything posted by crazygang

  1. Couldn't say it any better.....
  2. Belated Happy 'bridge' Birthday Lisa...
  3. The little fella was a tough cookie..... Rest in peace J. D.
  4. crazygang

    My Max

    So sorry to hear about Max... Deepest Sympathy
  5. crazygang


    So very sorry......that's so sad Deepest Sympathy
  6. So very sorry for the loss of your beloved Bentley...... Deepest Sympathy
  7. You'll always be remembered our beautiful girl...........it is two years today that you've been gone. On that fateful morning when I let you into the field and you flirted with the gelding leaving it and then trotted off joyfully shaking your mane. I don't know what made me look back that day because it was not something I usually did, but even now still see a haunting vision in my head of you just dropping down head first to the ground in what appeared like slow motion... I ran to your side... And sat on the floor, cradled your head on my lap and held you in my arms stroking you and talking to you as you went to sleep.........never to wake again. The chirping birds and blue sky above mocking my tears You waited long enough for DH to be there and say goodbye, but spared us 'that decision' before the vet arrived. There wast a big hole left in our lives for a long time afterwards and we could not get used to it after seventeen years caring for you night and day. Everyone tells us 31 years old was a good age for a thoroughbred mare but it does not make us feel any better. Patsy 29 years old photo taken 2005 Patsy 21 years old photo taken 1997 Ridden Veteran Best in Show Reserve Champion Goodnight sweetheart
  8. Gosh...what a roller coaster. Sending prayers for Lexi to get well soon.
  9. So very sad.........please send my condolences... Deepest Sympathy
  10. If we won on the lottery we'd help you out.....you are special people. Fingers crossed we win BIG and SOON * sigh* What a lovely boy Drake is...
  11. Sending positive healing prayers for the lovely Strider.....
  12. That last picture is really special...........so sorry for your loss... Deepest Sympathy
  13. Truly sorry for your loss....
  14. Deepest Sympathy....
  15. crazygang

    So Long Kees

    Sorry for your loss....
  16. What a gentle soul he was......so sad......Osteo is a horrid disease Deepest Sympathy
  17. Happy 'bridge' birthday handsome.....
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