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Everything posted by crazygang

  1. So very sad and sorry to read Cosmo had to leave you so soon......she was a very special girl. Lovely tribute!
  2. Glad to read he's on the mend......sending well wishes for your special boy
  3. So very sorry for your loss.....
  4. What a lovely gentle natured soul she was.............so sorry...... your feelings of loss must be unbearable
  5. Remembering Jed and thinking of you Tom at this time......
  6. So sorry for your loss of sweet Renie.....
  7. crazygang


    Hope you find some peace in these words. I remember reading somewhere that the love animals give is so great, so pure and unconditional that our love must be stronger than our grief and impending sense of loss. Their reward for befriending us and healing us whenever we needed it must be mercy. You gave him every chance to live.....and was strong when you needed to be. Run pain free Rhemus
  8. Beautiful tribute......sorry he had to leave you.....
  9. Phew......breathing a sigh of relief... Give that lovely special boy anything his little heart desires. He's adorable.........Prayers for a swift recovery
  10. So very sorry for your loss......that's sad news
  11. So sorry......that's really sad.....sending our deepest sympathy
  12. So very sorry for your loss.....deepest sympathy
  13. crazygang

    Keep Moving

    That is so desperately sad.......poor Petee......rest in peace sweetheart
  14. Sorry your precious Grace had to leave you.....deepest sympathy
  15. A very beautiful and touching tribute to your special boy......deepest sympathy for your loss
  16. Continued well wishes for your special boy.....glad he's on the mend finally
  17. Continued healing prayers for Warlock from across the pond........glad he's feeling more settled and comfortable.
  18. You and Drake are in our thoughts.....sending positive healing prayers for your poor boy
  19. Sending well wishes for Riley....hope he feels comfortable soon
  20. So sad......sorry for your loss...he is at peace now. No fear and no pain.
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