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Everything posted by crazygang

  1. Good grief.......glad Poppy's home.......hope Ned feels better soon.
  2. Happy 'bridge' birthday Goghbaby....
  3. crazygang

    Crazy Sahra

    Run free sweetie........
  4. We use a 'gentle leader' for our deerhound x greyhound I can walk her now as well as our greyhound in one hand!!!!! just a suggestion.... Congrats again
  5. You must feel very pleased. That is BRILLIANT news Smiley has a lovely home when he tests negative
  6. You and Chase are in our thoughts.....
  7. You guys are too funny Hope Smiley has something to smile about in 30 days
  8. crazygang

    Sahra's Gone

    So very sorry.....sending our deepest sympathy for the loss of your special Sahra
  9. So sad.....what a lovely boy he looked from the photo's. Deepest Sympathy for the loss of your precious Otis....
  10. Sending our very best wishes for Iceman.......
  11. Great advice.... I agree muzzles are better than those 'lampshades' and the houndies are used to those anyway from their racing days. Awww poor baby give him a hug from us here in England. Don't feel too bad Elizabeth accidents happen.... [snowy's Mum]
  12. You must feel happier now a decision's made.... Just one point though, dependant on how far up the tail the break is .i.e. ....... bitches squat to toilet 'if the broken part is higher up than the bend' (above the curl) and the tail is left too long after surgery it can touch the ground and causes discomfort and slow healing. However, 'when the break is lower than the bend' that's better because the greyhound could curl the tail out of the way and vets would be inclined to leave more on then.
  13. I would probably go with the advice of your vet I'm sure if the tail could be saved he'd try. Sending well wishes for Cali...
  14. Sending well wishes for William.... My vet told us once that anesthetics nowadays are light and recovery afterwards is much quicker than in was the past. Hope this makes you feel a little better.
  15. Positive healing prayers for Drake........gosh what a long difficult road you've travelled. Hugs to you all...
  16. What a clever girl.........she knows what's best and what she can manage easily. BRILLIANT NEWS!!!!
  17. Fingers crossed here for Smiley....... That photo of him smiling is the cutest EVER....
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