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Everything posted by crazygang

  1. Precious.........glad your special boy is back with you again.
  2. Only seeing this now.........Hope Riley heals quickly and is more comfortable. If you are still concerned follow your instinct and see your vet again for further tests /examination. Sending our best....
  3. crazygang


    That's heartbreaking.......so sad......very sorry...... Run free Sugar
  4. Holding you all in our thoughts.........cancer sucks
  5. Feel your pain in every word.....so sorry Timber had to leave you.... Deepest Sympathy
  6. How tragic....that's so very sad. Sending our deepest sympathy
  7. Our heart bleeds for you.......so sorry......
  8. ****UPDATE 21 - SEPT - 2009 ****** POST # 1 The results are back it is just a wart And even better news she went to her new forever home today along with her kennel mate.
  9. Fingers crossed here.......certainly looks like it's improved.....
  10. Beautiful sweetheart.....run free
  11. So sorry for your loss......hope you find some peace
  12. crazygang


    Truly sorry for your loss...to have two pass away in such a short period of time....that's unbearably sad Deepest Sympathy
  13. Sorry.......the pain of loss it hurts. Deepest Sympathy
  14. The best ever news........sending well wishes for Cougar sure the accupuncture will make him feel great
  15. Sending get well better soon wishes 'Queen Quilty'...
  16. Truly sorry for your loss....... Deepest Sympathy
  17. So very sorry your heart is broken loosing Roady suddenly..........you gave her a chance, sadly it was her time. It's never long enough with them....... Deepest Sympathy
  18. Oh No!!! How awful...so very sorry......run free Buck
  19. Hope Drake's surgery wound heals soon.......he is extremely lucky to have you caring and loving him the way you do...
  20. Continued well wishes for Cougar........you will definitely see him more comfortable after a few sessions........truthfully
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