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Everything posted by AnneGTS

  1. Oh no! What a beautiful tribute. I'm so very sorry
  2. I want to thank everyone for the kind comments. It's hard to believe it's been a month already.
  3. Between December 2014 and May 2015 Sasha was fostered in a family that had multiple dogs. We adopted Sasha May 2015. It turnes out one of the dogs at her previous foster home has giardia. Sasha visited her foster home for an afternoon 2 months ago. Sasha played with some of the dogs a month ago at the dog park. The dog with Giardia visited us 2 weeks ago (the dog had diarrhea at the time but they didn't know it was Giardia). 2 other dogs from the same foster home visited us twice last week. If I understand correctly there are 2 forms of Giardia: active form (not very contagious) and the inactive form (very contagious). The dog that already has Giardia has the inactive form. Sasha has no diarrhea and seems to be in perfect health. The vet of the dog with Giardia says we should test Sasha to see if she has Giardia too. Because she has no diarrhea, she probably doesn't have the inactive form, but could have the active form, which eventually could develop into the inactive form. The foster family sounded a little worried, and explained that if a dog has the inactive form, it's not easy to ger rid of, you have to do lots of cleaning, avoid other dogs etc. We just called our vet. They told us we could deworm Sasha, or wait to see if she gets diarrhea. We could also test Sasha for Giardia, but they didn't sound very convinced. So it seems like our own vet is not worried, while the vet of the other dog is very worried. Should we test Sasha just to be sure? Is Giardia a severe disease or can we just wait until she might get symptoms?
  4. Thank you so much. Spriet came to us at just 8 weeks old. She's been with us for 13 years, and for the first time of my life we do not have a Greyhound in our house. When I created an account on GreyTalk I used GTS in my username, the initials for Gunda, Tibbie and Spriet. It's so strange that they're all gone now.. I was a bit worried about Sasha as she's never been an only dog before but I haven't noticed any behaviour changes. She seems to be fine.
  5. I made this video of Spriet over 7 years ago. Unfortunately Spriet has had many health issues over the past years. The last couple of months her behaviour started changing. We made a list of all the issues she had, we talked to our vet and we decided to let Spriet go today.
  6. Spriet loves the "push" command (she learned this during a Treibball class). There are lots of fun things you can do when she knows "push". Here's a video of Spriet closing the kitchen drawers or rolling dice
  7. Oh no! Lisa, I'm so sorry for your loss
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