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Everything posted by seeh2o

  1. 17 months, 5 days post diagnosis and amputation. Nodules seem to be stable (is it the vaccine working to encapsulate them????), I switched her to a CBD oil made from the real deal, so it has a bit of THC in it that is supposed to be helpful in fighting cancer (no side effects, not high), and I switched her to a ketogenic diet. She likes it, poop is a bit lighter in color and not as much of it (not that there was very much to begin with as she has been on raw since I adopted her 4 years ago). Still bright, happy, sassy, demanding! She has taken to jumping on the top terrace and looks like she's the Queen of the World, which of course she is! I wish I could figure out how to post pictures here again, I've got a great one of her the other night with ears up and a kick-ass video of her doing laps at Ed's house.
  2. A couple of people in our greyhound group swear by it.
  3. What a thoughtful memorial for those sweet dogs. Dr. Mason is amazing, my Bowie has zero lung mets 16+ months post amputation, had Dr. Mason's osteo vaccine.
  4. My girl completed her 3 rounds of the vaccine without incident. 4 weeks after her last infusion she developed 2 hard nodules in soft tissue. One in the soft tissue above her remaining scapula, the other on her abdominal wall near mammary gland #4 (though they don't think it's actually in the gland as it's too far away from it). She had an FNA 2 weeks ago today and of both nodules and they are the very rare form of osteosarcoma in soft tissue, extraskeletal osteosarcoma. There had been a suspicious spot in her lung at the time of vaccine #3, thus far (as of today) that is smaller and seems to be going away and is sometimes MIA on xrays. I am in the process of switching her to a ketogenic diet, not a lot different than her regular raw diet, just more fat, no organ meat and very specific veggies. She is getting another infusion of the vaccine today and we are discussing the possibility of electrochemotherapy to kill the nodules. She is still eating great, sassy, pooping well and has as much energy as an 11 year old tripawd broodie normally has. If anyone has any insights or helpful experience with this, I'm all ears. She has a great medical team supporting her (and me). If no insights, she could sure use your prayers.
  5. It's liver cancer. They are taking her home to let her go. She's only 7. This is so heartbreaking. They just lost their other girl to osteo about 2 months ago.
  6. They did another ultrasound, the vet preferred to do an FNA rather than survey because of weight loss and hey condition. They found a highly mineralized spot in the liver, so did the FNA there. Hoping for pathology report by noon today to guide their decision.
  7. Thanks for that, slightly elevated WBC is all I know of at this point.
  8. She had a bit of a rally today. Ate a bit, got up to go out and do her biz for the hospital staff. They are taking her to another location tomorrow for exploratory surgery, they don't feel like they can make an informed decision at this point. I think they want to know if it's cancer or not before they make any sort of big decision. If you can spare a prayer, please tuck her into them.
  9. My mistake, she raced in Tucson, they have VF there, too.
  10. Ultrasound done, nothing about the liver is normal and there is lymph node involvement. They are thinking cancer or hepatitis. Checking with their regular vet. It's sounding very very bad. Sorry for the ignorant question, but how does a dog develop hepatitis? I know the various ways humans can typically get it, but not dogs.
  11. Thanks for this, everyone. She had a few syymptoms leading up to this for a day or two, that's it. I haven't had a morning update yet, I'm sure she's still in the ER. Last night they decided to check for Valley Fever, too, as it can raise liver enzymes. There is a lot of it in the are where she lives, it's also not unknown in Mexico where her girl raced.
  12. It's not Bowie, but my friend's 7 year old greyhound. Listless, skin on belly was slightly yellow, didn't want to eat. They took her to the vet today and her liver enzymes were too high to read, so they did a few extra tests and sent her to an animal ER. RBC normal for a grey, WBC slightly elevated. On-duty vet at ER is FIXATED on the dog's raw diet, but other thoughts from regular vet are lepto, salmonella, e-coli, cancer, hepatitis. So I'm here asking those with lots of experience - thoughts?
  13. Carl had bald thighs, a vet suggested melatonin. It really worked, he ended up with a thick pelt on his neck, thighs filled in - not completely, but mostly, same with his chest. I have him at night, it never changed his energy level, etc.
  14. I had 2 littermates on Soloxine, never had any unusual shedding, just normal seasonal shedding. It cleared up my boy's eyes within months. My current girl is shedding like a crazy dog, but she's not hypothyroid. Tis the season.
  15. I'm so sorry. Like Greysmom said, a sudden death is just so disconcerting. I lost my Carl at home, I didn't even have time to get him to the car, let alone to an emergency vet. It was horrific. My heart goes out to you. Please don't second guess yourself, letting her go was the most unselfish thing you could ever have done.
  16. They are allowed to give the vaccine to dogs that are not enrolled in the field study, including dogs that wouldn't qualify for the field study. I think it's a bit more expensive, but it is allowed.
  17. seeh2o


    Dear God, Pam, get out of there. Take Pitu and anything of sentimental value. What a monster. Make sure Jesus has his camera TRAINED on your house, too.
  18. seeh2o


    Wow, I hope Jesus can find proof on his camera. That cowardly piece of human waste probably did it under the cover of darkness, so there may be a chance it was recorded. How are you and Pitu holding up under this?
  19. seeh2o


    Yeah, going to a TV station with this is a really really bad idea, the guy next door is volatile, that would be like putting gas on a fire. I'm wondering about a restraining order or an order of protection. Hard to enforce when he lives next door and could also set him off. On the other hand, if he's on parole and doesn't want to go back to prison, it might help.
  20. If any of you are on Facebook, I posted a video of Bowie tearing up the yard Friday morning. She was using it as a race track! We're still trying to get to the bottom of this skin thing we both have. PCR test for ringworm was negative. I'm trying to get an appointment with my dermatologist, too. It's so frustrating.
  21. seeh2o


    Pam, if Pitu will do his business on leash, you may want walk him on the opposite side of the yard away from the scary neighbor. Have you told the police you're afraid of him? If so, what did they say?
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