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Everything posted by Hawthorn

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss of Jazz.
  2. I've only just seen this thread, but I just wanted to say that we faced a similar situation with our Teddy 2 years ago. He was only 6 years old and had osteo in his shoulder. We agonised over what to do, but eventually decided against amputation as he was a very large dog and already had ruptured tendons in his other front leg. We decided to spoil him rotten and let him go peacefully before the pain got too bad. I still sometimes wonder if we made the right choice, but I do derive some comfort from knowing that he didn't suffer too much. From his point of view, he had a lovely few weeks and then went gently to sleep for the last time. You have my sympathy.
  3. Rest in peace Willow and Misha .
  4. Goodbye Onyx - what a handsome boy you are.
  5. God bless Jeanie and those who love her.
  6. Beautiful Rocco - rest in peace.
  7. Sending prayers and good thoughts .
  8. Sending lots of good thoughts to you all .
  9. Hawthorn


    I'm so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, Miles.
  10. My sympathy to all who love him.
  11. Hawthorn


    Rest in peace, Trista.
  12. My Sophie has had to have some Valium recently for some mild seizures. I remember the vet telling me that it could make her want to drink a lot but not to let her and to just let her have small amounts, as you're doing. I do hope Henry continues to improve and that you manage to get some rest.
  13. Congratulations she really is very pretty indeed .
  14. When Sophie had stitches in the same place I made her a sort of legging out of the sleeve of an old sweatshirt with ties that went round her middle and tied over her hips, if that makes sense. Heres a picture:
  15. Just a thought, but if it happens again at a time when you can't get him to the vet, maybe you could make a video of it?
  16. I'm not sure from your post how long this has been going on, but if it's just a couple of days, it could just be a sprained neck. Sophie was doing the exact same thing a few weeks ago: screaming whenever she got up from lying down and then fine. I was able to examine her neck by gently moving it up and down and right to left and could see that it was painful when she moved her head up and to the right. I thought it was most probably a sprain so decided to wait a couple of days before taking her to the vet to see if it got better ... and it did. If Avril's problem has been going on for longer, though, I'd definitely take her to the vet. Here's hoping for just a sprain though .
  17. I'm so sorry for your loss - rest in peace Schumi.
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