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Everything posted by Hawthorn

  1. Sounds like Kiona had a wonderful life - sincere condolences to all who will miss her.
  2. I'm so sorry. Ranch sounds like he was a very special boy. :f_red
  3. Both mine had something similar. I had them removed: one turned out to be a cutaneous hemangioma and the other was an angiokeratoma. Both were benign, but the pathologist stated that if left they can sometimes progress to the malignant form - cutaneous hemangiosarcoma.
  4. Everyone else has said everything I wanted to say, but I just wanted to add my support too. You are most definitely not a selfish or irresponsible owner. I have been in the same situation as you, with a greyhound the same age, and I made the decision not to amputate or do chemo. I researched it all very carefully and then decided it wasn't right for us although I have the utmost respect for all those who do choose that route. Amputation is a very painful operation and chemo is not without it's complications and the chances are high that it would only buy Abbey a few more months at most. You have to trust your gut instincts and try not to second-guess yourself. You are in a horrible situation and you would probably feel guilty whatever decision you make.
  5. Beautiful girl. Lovely tribute. I'm so sorry.
  6. You can put a little olive oil on your hands and stroke it over their dry skin - at least if they lick it off it won't hurt them.
  7. Hawthorn

    So Long Asa

    Sending my sympathy.
  8. I'm so sorry. Rest in peace, sweet Sexton.
  9. Hawthorn


    I'm so sorry for your loss of beautiful Stevie.
  10. I'm sorry for your loss of Faye .
  11. Griffin sounds like he was a lovely boy - I'm sorry he had to leave you and your family.
  12. Adding our prayers too for the best possible outcome for Monty .
  13. Hawthorn

    M's Stormrunner

    Sending my sympathy rest in peace, Stormy.
  14. Sending lots of positive thoughts . I'm always a nervous nellie too so I know how you feel!
  15. I'm so sorry - sending prayers for you and Willie.
  16. The end of an era but what a wonderful legacy he has left.
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