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Everything posted by Hawthorn

  1. I'm so sorry - rest in peace, Payne.
  2. It looks like a histiocytoma to me but it's best to ask your vet to do a needle biopsy to make sure it's nothing more sinister.
  3. Well, he certainly looks like he's made himself at home - he's lovely! Congratulations .
  4. Hawthorn


    So sorry for the loss of your special girl. Rest in peace D.O.G.
  5. Hawthorn


    How sad . Rest in peace, Strutter.
  6. Does it look like this? If so, it could be a cutaneous hemangioma. Sunny and Sophie both had one. They kept going away and returning so I had them removed and one was a cutaneous hemangioma and one was an angiokeratoma (a variation of cutaneous hemangioma). They are benign tumours but the pathology report said they can sometimes progress to the malignant form, cutaneous hemangiosarcoma, so in my view it's best to have them removed.
  7. If it were me, I wouldn't give him any more, as they don't seem to agree with him. The best way to clean his teeth is daily brushing. Love the roach!
  8. He's beautiful! I hope it's nothing serious.
  9. Hawthorn

    I Am So Sad

    I am so sorry - how dreadful for you . Rest in peace Andy.
  10. Hawthorn


    I'm so sorry for your loss - rest in peace Caesar.
  11. Hawthorn


    Rest in peace, Abby.
  12. Rest in peace sweet Dottie.
  13. So sad . I'm so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, Katie .
  14. Hawthorn

    Izzy Is Gone.

    I'm so sorry for your loss .
  15. Yes, my two 3 year olds have both had one of these. Sunny's was on his neck and we had it removed because the vet said it was too small to do a needle biopsy and we weren't sure what it was. Sophie had one on her leg which the vet did a needle biopsy of and said it was a histiocytoma. We left this one alone and it went away within about a month. Sunny now has another one on his ear. As this is in an awkward place for removal, we're hoping it will go away on its own. I understand that they do normally disappear within 3 months but not always. I read somewhere that sometimes injecting them with steroids sometimes makes them go, so maybe you could ask your vet about that? I think that if it's growing rapidly I might be tempted to have it removed, as the larger it gets the more difficult it will be to remove it, but I know it's not easy choosing to put them through the risk of an anaesthetic for something relatively minor. Let us know what you decide.
  16. So sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, Amy.
  17. Hawthorn


    Rest in peace Joker.
  18. So sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, Train.
  19. I'd suspect an ear infection too so a trip to the vet would be best.
  20. We used to have holly bushes in our garden but we cut them down because the leaves are so sharp when they fall off that we were worried the dogs would prick their pads. The dogs didn't show any interest in eating them though.
  21. How is she in herself? Have you taken her temperature? If she's got a fever she won't feel like eating. I think I'd take her to the vet if she were mine.
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