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Everything posted by Hawthorn

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss - his eyes are beautiful. Goodbye Pup and rest in peace.
  2. That is just so heartbreaking Rest in peace, little Pansy Jane.
  3. I am so sorry for your loss - rest in peace Roo.
  4. I'm so sorry. Rest in peace Bryn.
  5. I'm so sorry . Rest in peace, Tilt.
  6. So young and so sad I am so sorry . Rest in peace, Comet.
  7. I'm so sorry . Rest in peace, Tessie.
  8. He looks gorgeous and very happy. I have a white and fawn boy called Sunny too!
  9. I'm so sorry . We lost Teddy to osteo and I can remember crying non-stop too. You'll get through it .
  10. Hawthorn


    I'm so sorry - rest in peace, Susan.
  11. So sad . Rest in peace Warrior.
  12. Different dogs seem to have different tolerances for heat. Sunny will pant if the temperature inside is over 68 whereas Sophie can tolerate quite a few degrees higher.
  13. Congratulations he is beautiful and I wish you many happy years together.
  14. I'm wondering if there might be a small foreign body in there - might be worth getting your vet to take a look.
  15. I am so sorry Rest in peace, Nimby.
  16. I'm so sorry Rest in peace, Dempsey.
  17. I'm so sorry . Rest in peace, Dee.
  18. I'm so sorry - rest in peace, Emmy
  19. I'm so sorry - rest in peace sweet Roman.
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