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Everything posted by Hawthorn

  1. I'm very sorry to hear this news .
  2. I'm another one who was grateful for your warning and because of it I put some transfers on our patio doors.
  3. Hawthorn


    Sounds like Feather had a wonderful life Condolences to all those who love and miss him.
  4. Reading this is bringing back the sheer terror I felt when we received a similar diagnosis for Teddy. We opted to euthanise earlier rather than later, as I was terrified of him fracturing his leg and being in unbearable pain, but it was the hardest decision I have ever had to make.
  5. You are all very kind . Just something out of the freezer ... but it's a start . Thank you Gus - you are a very handsome boy from Sophie.
  6. Hawthorn


    I'm very sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, Shasta.
  7. Hi All Thanks for checking in on us. Sophie had a nice quiet night and has been much more her normal self today but we took her to the vet anyway and just got back a little while ago. He examined her very thoroughly and said everything was as it should be. He doesn't really know whether her "seizure" was caused by the collision or not, as it happened 24 hours afterwards, so it's just a case of wait and see if it happens again and take it from there. I'll be keeping her quiet and lead-walking her only for a few more days, and we've got a supply of valium and instructions on how much to give if it should happen again. I've hardly eaten or slept at all for the last 24 hours but am feeling a bit better now and my husband is cooking me a meal! I feel as if I maybe overreacted but I think this was as much because of the shock of seeing them collide as all the worry about Sophie's symptoms. It really was very scary seeing it happen and hearing Sophie's scream and it keeps replaying in my head. Anyway, thanks again, it really is very comforting knowing that you are all out there somewhere, even if most of you are on the other side of the world! Here's a totally gratuitous picture of my pretty little girl:
  8. Sunny and Sophie collided head on in the garden yesterday. Initially Sophie seemed OK apart from some cuts and grazes. Today, however, she started with some strange behaviour: fly-catching imaginary flies, licking her front legs, staring at the walls, ceiling etc. We took her to the emergency vet who diagnosed it as a mild seizure and gave her 20mg valium. The valium stopped the fly-catching but made her hyperactive. After 3 hours on the valium the fly catching has started again. I will give her 10mg more valium in another hour as instructed by the vet. I will take her to our regular vet tomorrow, but someone please tell me she will be OK. I feel sick. Edited to say thank you to all those who replied to my earlier thread in Everything Else Greyhound.
  9. You have my sympathy . I had a very traumatic experience myself about 20 years ago, and it still haunts me to this day. Basically, the vet couldn't find the vein in the leg and was poking around trying to find it. He tried another leg and that didn't work either. The dog was screaming and struggling and then the vet, I think, injected him in the heart. It was awful and I have always felt guilty that I did not stand up for my dog and make it a better experience for him. These days, I always tell the vet about that bad experience and that I want him to do everything possible to make it peaceful. If we are having it done at the surgery, we take a duvet in to make the dog comfortable and make sure he is relaxed first. We've never had a sedative, but if the dog wasn't relaxed I would insist on one. The vet always uses a very fine needle and seems to do the injection quite slowly. I am pleased to say that the last two times have been extremely peaceful. Try not to be hard on yourself. You didn't know it was going to be like that and however horrible it was for you I'm sure it only lasted a few seconds for your dog.
  10. I'm so sorry to hear this . We lost our Teddy to osteo at the age of 6.
  11. What a beautiful, touching tribute . I am so sorry for your loss of Dune . May he rest in peace.
  12. I'm so sorry. We lost our Teddy at age 6 and it just seems so unfair to lose them so young . Goodbye Marty - rest in peace.
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