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Everything posted by Hawthorn

  1. Welcome I'd second a few Kongs (invaluable for stuffing with interesting food to keep them occupied when you go out) and some large fluffy squeaky toys.
  2. I don't have experience with the problems you're having, but I just wanted to add FWIW that the fact that she's eaten chicken for years without a problem doesn't necessarily mean that she's not NOW allergic to it. Many years ago I went through food allergy testing and ALL the things I was allergic to were things I'd eaten for years without a problem. In fact, I was told that it is the things we eat a lot of that we're most likely to become allergic to. More recently, my cat suddenly started being sick after eating and the vet said it was possible that he had become allergic to the chicken he'd been eating for months and to feed him a different protein for a while, which we did, and he stopped being sick; after a while we gradually reintroduced the chicken and he was fine.
  3. He was truly an amazing dog. Rest in peace, Travis.
  4. So sorry for your loss - rest in peace Angus.
  5. So young . I'm so sorry for your loss . Rest in peace, Timberwolf.
  6. Yes, I'd send DH in with a list and ask him to read the consent form to check everything's on there before he signs it, assuming it hasn't already been signed. Hope all goes well.
  7. Yes, sounds like it could be an ear infection. Just because you can't see any discharge in the ear doesn't mean there's no infection. I'd get her seen by a vet as soon as you can, as the itching from an infected ear can drive you mad (I speak from experience!) and you don't want it to get any worse.
  8. Hawthorn


    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  9. Hawthorn

    Hershey Bar

    I'm so sorry for your loss of handsome Hershey.
  10. I'm so sorry for your loss - rest in peace, Raisin. :f_pink
  11. Hawthorn

    Genie's Gone

    Genie was such a special girl who was loved by so many people and will always be remembered. :heart Goodbye, Genie, and God Bless. :heart :f_pink
  12. Hawthorn


    So sorry for your loss of Peek-a-boo.
  13. Hawthorn

    My Buddy....

    Please don't feel guilty - you loved Buddy and did what you knew was best for him.
  14. Hawthorn


    Rest in peace, Jerry
  15. Welcome from Hertfordshire . I've just read Jerry's remembrance thread. How amazing that he lived wild in a park for years - how on earth did he cope with the cold winters? I bet he really appreciated having a warm, loving home with you after all that! We went on holiday to Scotland once to a wonderful place called Applecross Bay with amazing deserted beaches. Hope you enjoy GreyTalk .
  16. I'm so sorry for your loss of Honey
  17. Also, how warm was it? A temperature that feels only pleasantly warm to you may be too warm for your dogs, even if you are in the shade, and especially for a walk that length. Another thing to consider is the surface you're walking on. A stony surface, for example, is much harder on your dogs' feet.
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