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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. jamngrey


    That is so tragic and sad...Snow is running at the bridge. I feel for you Shirley.
  2. oh Sandee I only got to meet you a few times and only knew you for a year but i consider myself blessed to have know you. God speed you and run pain free at the bridge. I am so sorry for you loss I know you will miss her but she will be watching over you
  3. This is one of the best "subscriptions" I have ever gotten. Thanks for keeping it going for us. Off to renew my subscription
  4. jamngrey


    I am so sorry for your loss. It is a shock when you find your beloved pet has passed.
  5. jamngrey


    reading that touching tribute I know Cody had the best retirement any hound could hope for. Even tho it wasnt long it was full. Cody race to the bridge and enjoy.God speed you boy
  6. jamngrey


    I cant believe I just saw this Solo I hope you are enjoying the bridge running and playing with no pain. Diane thank you for making Solos last days happy ones.
  7. jamngrey


    run free with all the greys at the bridge little one
  8. jamngrey


    oh Buster I am so sad you are not with us but now you can look over us. Have fun at the bridge
  9. Lord Jake...run free and enjoy the freedom and conpanionship they bridge will give you.
  10. my heart dog Max is in a box on my dresser...all my pets will be cremated and when I die I am to be cremated and I told everyone I want our ashes mixed together then spred us some where there are no "confines" just let our earthly remains blow in the wind
  11. God speed you on your way to the bridge Joe.....thanks for being such a greyt amasador
  12. you gave her the most wonderfull gift and she gave you one in return. This was so touching I am crying.....I dont stop here often cause it brings up too many troubling memories of my heart dog Max. But I am glad I saw this post
  13. Psi only if he wants to play and we dont pay attention (which is once/twice a month) Cassie.....couple times a day but usually its cause Moms cat(a stray she takes care of) is at the back porch door teasing her.
  14. Psi no probably removed at farm Cassie yes but cause her no problem Does anyone know if it hurts them when they are removed as puppys? Cause if it didnt cause trama I would say remove all as puppys but if it hurts them or does cause "running" issues they are just something (like the whip "happy tail" that gets cut all the time) I'll deal with.
  15. jamngrey

    5 Months Now...

    your donation is the perfict gift to those who need help from your loving Ibera who is waiting at the bridge. My heart dog Max always gives a gift to those in need (Via me) every Christmas.
  16. jamngrey


    oh that touched me as nothing elce has.Thank you for sharing such a soulfull and caring tribute
  17. Im so sorry for your loss I am sure he is now running pain free. And dont forget he isnt gone memories keep our love ones alive
  18. psi has to have a bath once a month with special shampoo cause of skin problems. (if I forget he gets the itchies and ends up on antiobitocs) Cassie gets one at all of our groups "dog washes" which is once a quarter
  19. jamngrey

    Is It Normal

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. We all grieve in our own way. Getting her ashes (her worldly remains) just made it a reality you could touch. I myselif pretty much did the same when I lost my heart dog Max. When I got the ashes (mom picked them up cause i couldnt bear to) when I got home and saw them I could not stop crying for almost a day. I have Max's ashes on my dresser with his fave toy and collar.BUT i know he is not that box.....he is up running around at the bridge. Just remember their life isnt over just the body here is no longer
  20. jamngrey


    sure hope he is running like the wind at the bridge
  21. jamngrey

    My Puck

    Wow..what a touching dedication to Puck...Oh she was loved and you were loved...the photo is priceless..Thanks for allowing us a gimpse of your life together
  22. Oh my heart breaks for you and your family. I am glad to hear Benny is free from pain now. I will keep you all in my prayers and I hope your pain lessens
  23. Oh humans make me so mad some times....Heres to all the beautys running free at the rainbow bridge
  24. Run...run...run...and have a happy b-day
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