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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. Sorry for the delay. I'm hosting my pics in a new place and I had to learn how to use it Darcy had her blood test when we arrived at the vets yesterday and the results were all really good. Virtually everything was within the middle of the normal range apart from a couple of things which rate in the high section but they are always the same way with Darcy so nothing to be concerned about. So then they got on with the business of 'bashing the b******' with chemo number three I asked the vet if it was OK for me to take some pics to share. Darcy wasn't bothered about being photographed (she's more than used to it by now) and I thought that the pics may remove some of the mystery and/or fear for others who may face this with their dogs in the future. Because of Darcy's size and because she doesn't like going down the stairs to the 'ward' part of the vets, her treatment is carried out in a normal consulting room where she just lays on the floor (as she would during any normal consultation). Darcy had the canula put in and then she watched as the nurse brought a drip bag over The drip was attached and starts to run through The vet starts to inject the chemo drug Slowly does it (over a period of about 10 mins) Everything has gone well and Darcy is waiting to be 'unplugged' Excuse me - why has someone given me a BOY coloured bandage? And then we came home Darcy ate her dinner and has eaten her breakfast well this morning. She has an appointment to go back for bloods on 30th Dec (my vet has started a short Sunday surgery so thats handy!). And now, on with the business of Christmas I don't need to tell you that I was just a little ( ) concerned that we may not get to celebrate Christmas with Darcy this year But she's here and happy and doing well and what a celebration it will be
  2. Just bumping to make sure my SS knows it's here
  3. Flashman! Get better very soon! It's very important that you do.
  4. Darcy is having her 3rd chemo this afternoon. I think I feel quite relaxed about it (well, much more so than when she was due to have her 1st anyway). I hope I'm right in thinking that as she didn't have any side effects at all from the Carboplatin first time around, that she's likely to not have any this time around too...
  5. A parcel landed here this afternoon which was posted in the USA on 17th Dec. (I think it was delivered by UPS but it was DH who answered the door). I've not opened the parcel as we will be doing that on Christmas Day but I wanted my SS to know that it's landed safely (and I've pressed my package button so you should get a notification!). Pictures and a new thread will appear in due course but in the meantime, thank you very much indeed and Merry Christmas from our house to yours
  6. What a very strange thing for the vet nurse to say! I'm not entirely sure she should be saying stuff like that (in fact, I'm positive she shouldn't) and I think I'd need to mention it to the Practice Manager! I'm sure Halle will be just fine
  7. Good thoughts coming from here too Which chemo drugs are they using?
  8. Poor little girly - and her poor Mummy too Hope she's feeling much better soon
  9. I'm glad to hear he's doing well and that you're getting to spend good times together. Long may it continue
  10. I'm so sorry to hear the news...but glad to hear of the smiley face on his chart. Smiley faces are always good
  11. Sending best wishes to Monte (and nice calm thoughts for you)
  12. My suggestion would be that you keep a note of exactly what happened today and keep a diary of any further episodes (noting things like time of day, how long after food and exercise, what the dog was doing at the time of the episode and also if there was any change in the dogs eyes like pupil size etc). If you have a video camera (or video function on your normal camera), try to get any further episode on camera so that you can show it to your vet or specialist if need be in the future. Angel Maddison had head tremors (diagnosed as mild, idiopathic epilepsy) and I have some clips I can show you if you want to compare.
  13. Both my parcels went overseas and the shipping was about £9 each (so thats about $18 dollars-ish each). All part of the fun <----- Jeff! Will you changgggggge this demented snowman back into a normal laugh - arrghhhhhh *normal laugh* () Edited to shout at Jeff.
  14. I'm glad that Jill liked her goodies I'm amused that Jack loves the purse too And fancy Jill not needing to wear the Cooling Bandana when it's -25 degrees outside Thanks for the pictures - and Merry Christmas to you all
  15. Oh right - I was very good and just put it away so I'll go and peer more closely Thank YOU SS Helper!
  16. A parcel has arrived from Baltimore via Fed Ex. Out of the two of my incoming parcels in the events thingy, only one says it is on its way...so I'm assuming that's this Baltimore one. Therefore, I'm going to press the button to say its arrived. If you are one of my SS's and you see that I've said received in the package thingy but you've NOT sent a parcel via Fed Ex, canyou let Trudy know Thank you to our SS. We will be opening the parcel on Xmas Day
  17. Ours haven't landed yet but when they do, they will be put away for opening on The Big Day
  18. I think Metacam is a once every 24 hour medication. (That's how I've always been told to use it anyway). Did you give the right amount for his weight? (Stan is about 32kg so he gets up to the 32 mark on the syringe).
  19. The day before Darcy was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and had her front right leg amputated, I took these pics of her (I found those pics on the camera, after Darcy's shock diagnosis and amputation). Those who have followed Darcy's story will know that I felt it very unlikely that I'd ever get the chance to take that sort of picture again, especially during those first few days and weeks after surgery (which was 16th Oct 07). Darcy is due to have her 3rd chemo next Thursday and she's feeling mighty fine Look http://www.my-shops.net/videos/darcyellaplaying121207.wmv (put sound on and listen for (a) Ella's snappy teefs and ( The Fun Police telling them to bog off and play somewhere else) (Oh and it's a bit dark but it was early in the morning and the light was poo) But who caaaaaaaaaares - she's playinggggggggg
  20. Great package and great pics
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